Дерюшева Валентина Николаевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение электронной инженерии, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 5731, 1692
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12 февраля 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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Introduction to Dynamics of Processing Equipment
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
• carry out force analysis of machinery through application of the principle of virtual work; • model elements of single degree of freedom systems and perform free vibration analysis of such systems; • obtain forced response of single degree of freedom systems due to harmonic forcing; • carry out free vibration analysis of multi degree of freedom systems with no damping; • design a flywheel to suit to a given speed fluctuation limit and to a specified set of supply torque-load combination in machinery.


Lecture 1: Intoduction to Mathematical Modeling.

Lecture 5: Modeling Free Vibration.

Lecture 2: Dimensional Analysis.

Lecture 6: Applying Vibration Models.

Lecture 3: Mathematical approximation and interpolation.

Lecture 7: Optimization: What Is the Best…?

Lecture 4: IMathematical approximation and interpolation.

Lecture 8: Optimization: What Is the Best…? The Transportation Problem.

Practical trainings

Practical training 1: Introduction to Matlab.

Practical training 6: Evaluation of test data.

Practical training 2: Matrix.

Practical training 7: Numerical integration and differentiation.

Practical training 3: 2D Matlab Graphics.

Practical training 8: The solution of ordinary differential equations.

Practical training 4: 3D plot of a surface in Matlab.

Practical training 9: Solving optimization problems.

Practical training 5: Nonlinear equations and systems in MATLAB.


Hometask 1: Matrix.

Hometask 6: The methods of experimental data processing.

Hometask 2: Matrix.

Hometask 7: Numerical integration and differentiation. Matlab.

Hometask 3: 2D Graphics.

Hometask 8: Solution of differential equations.

Hometask 4: 3D Graphics.

Hometask 9: Solving optimization problems.

Hometask 5: Solution of nonlinear equations and systems.

Hometask for peer review: Study single-mass system.
