Numbers and Sets
Complex Numbers
Algebraic Transformations
Discrete Algebra
Basic Formulas
Graphics of Basic Functions
Algebraic Equations and Inequalities

Basic Conceptions

Properties of Equations and Inequalities

Graphical Interpretation of Solutions

Linear Equations and Inequalities

Linear Equations

Linear Inequalities

Linear Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Values

Linear Equations Involving Absolute Value

Linear Equations Involving a Few Absolute Values

Linear Inequalities Involving Absolute Value

Quadratic Equations and Inequalities

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Functions

Extreme Value of Quadratic Function

Quadratic Formula

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Quadratic Inequalities

Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Functions
Key Topics Remaining:   Extreme Value of Quadratic Function » Quadratic Formula » Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring » Quadratic Inequalities

Solutions of a quadratic equation can be interpreted in terms of  x-intercepts of a quadratic function,

y = a x2 + b x + c,

a graph of which is a parabola, that is, a curve consisting of two symmetric branches (as it is shown in the figures below).

The number of the  x-intercepts depends on the position of the vertex of the parabola, that is, the number of roots of a quadratic equation depends on relationships between coefficients.

By completing the perfect square, the quadratic function can be transformed to the form

y – y0 = a ( x – x0 )2,

where    and    are coordinates of the vertex of the parabola.

For convenience, let us assume that  a > 0.
There are possible three cases.
  1. If  y0  > 0,  then the vertex of the parabola lies above the x-axis, and so the quadratic equation,
    a x2 + b x + c = 0,
    has not any real roots.
  2. If  y0 = 0,  then the vertex of the parabola touches on the x-axis at the point  x = x0,  and therefore, the quadratic equation has one real root, x = x0.
  3. If  y0 < 0,  then the vertex of the parabola lies under the  x-axis, and each of two branches of the parabola intersects the x-axis. Therefore, the quadratic equation has two real roots.

There exist simple relationships between the roots  (x1 and x2)  of the quadratic equation and the coordinates  (x0 and y0)  of the vertex of the parabola:

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