Numbers and Sets
Complex Numbers
Algebraic Transformations
Algebraic Equations and Inequalities
Discrete Algebra
Basic Formulas
Graphics of Basic Functions
Ship 2

Basic Conceptions

Cartesian Coordinate System

Domain and Range

Inverse Functions

Even-Odd Symmetry of Functions

Periodicity of Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential Functions

Logarithmic Functions
  Natural Logarithms

Sets and Intervals

Hyperbolic Functions

Natural Logarithms

The function  log e x  is referred to as  ln x, where  e  is an irrational number.
Expression  ln x  has a special name – natural logarithm.

Number  e  is one of the most important numbers in mathematics and physics. Its approximate value is
e = 2.7182818284590452353602874…

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