Numbers and Sets
Complex Numbers
Algebraic Transformations
Algebraic Equations and Inequalities
Discrete Algebra
Basic Formulas
Graphics of Basic Functions
Ship 2

Basic Conceptions

Cartesian Coordinate System

Domain and Range

Inverse Functions

Even-Odd Symmetry of Functions

Periodicity of Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential Functions

Logarithmic Functions
  Natural Logarithms

Sets and Intervals

Hyperbolic Functions

Inverse Functions
Key Topics Remaining:  Even-Odd Symmetry of Functions » Exponential Functions » Logarithmic Functions » Natural Logarithms

Let a function  y = f ( x ) is defined by a set of ordered pairs  ( x, y ).
Then the inverse relation  ( y, x )  determines a function  x = g ( y )  such that

y = f ( x ) = f ( g ( y ) )
x = g ( y ) = g ( f ( x ) ).

One can see that both composite functions,  f ( g ( y ) )  and  g ( f ( x ) ), represent the identical transformations of arguments. Given an argument, two rules ( and  g ) produce the argument, that is, being applied together they do nothing, they only restore the argument:

In other words, the rule  g  represents the inverse operation of  f  and vice versa.
If to interchange the variables  x  and  y  in the equation  x = g ( y )  and to rename the rule  g  into  f – 1  then we obtain the following definition of the mutually inverse functions.

Two functions,  y = f ( x )  and  y = f – 1( x ), are said to be inverse of each other if

f ( f – 1( x ) ) = x
f – 1 ( f ( x ) ) = x.

The notation of the inverse operation in form of  f – 1  has its origin in the fact that

a a – 1 = b b – 1 = f f – 1 = … = 1

for any non-zero numbers  a, b, f,  etc.

To find the inverse function of  y = f ( x ),
interchange  x  with  y.
Then solve the obtained equation for  y.

Graphics of the mutually inverse functions are symmetric with respect to the bisector of the first and third quadrants.

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