Numbers and Sets
Complex Numbers
Algebraic Transformations
Algebraic Equations and Inequalities
Discrete Algebra
Basic Formulas
Graphics of Basic Functions
Ship 2

Basic Conceptions

Cartesian Coordinate System

Domain and Range

Inverse Functions

Even-Odd Symmetry of Functions

Periodicity of Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential Functions

Logarithmic Functions
  Natural Logarithms

Sets and Intervals

Hyperbolic Functions

Domain and Range
Key Topics Remaining:  Inverse Functions » Even-Odd Symmetry of Functions » Exponential Functions » Logarithmic Functions » Natural Logarithms

Let  x  and  y  be two variables, and let  D  and  R  be sets of values of  x  and  y, respectively.
If each value of  x  is associated with one value of  y  by some rule, then it is said that a function  y  of  x  is defined on the set  D .
This statement is symbolized by the equation

y = f ( x ),

which is known as the function notation.

The indepentent variable  x  is also called the argument of  y 
The set  D  is called the domain of definition, and the set  R  is called the range of the function.

A function  f   is said to map the set  D  onto  R  if for every  y  in  R  there exists some  x  in  D  such that  f ( x ) = y.

A function  f  is said to be an one-to-one relation, if the equality

f ( a ) = f ( b )
a = b.

The equation  y = f ( x )  can be interpreted graphically as an equation of a line in the  x,y-plane.
A graphical representation allows to see an equation through a graph that is very helpful for finding the solutions.

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