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22 сентября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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First task
Paragraphs to read and problems to solve
Electrostatics. Electric field in vacuum
  1. Basic concepts
    • Coulomb's law
    • Electrostatic field
  2. Basic task of electrostatics
    • Electric field due to system af point charges
    • Electric field criated by charge distribution
  3. Irrotational character of electric field
    • Differential operators
    • Irrotational character of electric field
  4. Gauss theorem
    • Flux of electric field vector
    • Gauss theorem
    • The calculation of electric fields with the help of Gauss theorem
  5. Gauss theorem in differential form
    • Gauss theorem in differential form
    • Poisson equation
  6. Point charge dencity
  7. Electric field of a dipol
Coulomb's law, Electric field
Problems on physics
Collection of physics problems. The file is not finished, it is in the state of development. Up to now problems on coulomb's law and electric field are presented.
Classiacal electromagnetism
Franklin, J. "Classical electromagnetism"
Theory and problems set on coulomb's law
Laboratory work E-07
Physnet project
  1. Physical reality and its modeling
  2. Velocity for an arbitrary motion
  3. Acceleration for an arbitrary motion
  4. Types of acceleration
  5. Reconstructing motion equation
  6. Galilean transformations
  1. Dynamics of material point
    • Laws of Newton
    • Types of forces in point mechanics
  2. The system of interacting particles
    • Centre of mass
    • A theorem on the motion of the centre of mass
    • Motion of a body with variable mass
    • Conservation of linear momentum
  3. Description of the rigid body motion
    • Rectilinear motion
    • Rotational motion
    • The Basic Law of a rigid body rotational dynamics in differential form
    • Law of conservation of angular momentum
    • Moment of inertia of a rigid body
    • Huygens-Steiner theorem
  4. Work and energy
    • Work
    • Kinetic energy theorem
    • Potential fields
    • Potential energy
    • Energy conservation law
  5. Collision of point particles
    • Perfectly-inelastic collision
    • Perfectly-elastic collision, central
    • Perfectly-elastic collision, non central
  6. Gravitational field
    • The universal law of gravitation
    • Equivalence principle
    • Potentiality of gravitational field
  7. Motion in a central field
    • Kepler problem
    • Kepler laws
  8. Non-inertial reference frames
    • Gravitational force and weight of a body
Laboratory guide
Methodical Instructions in General Physics Laboratory Practice Work for Students of all Specializations.
Questions mechanics
Кинематика поступательного движения
Кинематика вращательного движения
Динамика 1
Динамика 2
Динамика 3
Динамика 4
Динамика 5
Журнал гр. 151Б91, 151Г90, 155А95, 158А91, 158В94 за 22 февраля 2011г.
Индивидуальные задания по колебаниям.
Экзамен у подготовительного отделения
Ниже можно по ссылкам можно скачать вопросы к экзамену и вспомогательную литературу.
Вопросы к экзамену.Вопросы к экзамену.
Теоретические вопросы к экзамену для студентов подготовительного отделения института международного образования и языковой коммуникации ТПУ 
Законы Ньютона
Лекции по механике для студентов подготовительного отделения ИМОЯК: законы ньютона, механическая система, понятие центра масс, теорема о движении центра масс и следствие из этой теоремы. 
Questions for the theoretical test on mechanics (part 1)