Department Department of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology Applied tasks - Aggregating multisensor data based on preference processing; sensor networks
- Systems of automated verification and adjustment of electricity meters
- Precision inductive dividers
- Precision arbitrary waveform generators, digital processing of pilot signals
- Study of dynamic behaviour of high current transducers
- Simulation and optimization of microwave control devices
- Analysis of trace amounts of substances on the basis of colorimetric characteristics of transparent polymer optical sensors
- Software graphical measurement technologies and metrological certification of measurement system software
Laboratory facilities The department has the following modern high-cost equipment: FLUKE 5520A multifunction calibrator, Agilent 3458A programmable multimeter, LeCroy WaveSurfer 62Xs two-channel oscilloscope, National Instruments equipment kit (SCXI, PXI, CompactRIO, Vision, ELVIS-I platforms), ANSYS physical simulation package, LabVIEW graphical programming system (National Instruments). Tasks performed - Hardware and software suite for computer-aided testing of high current transducers. Federal Target Program "Research and development in priority development areas of Russian scientific and technological complex". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Methods of evaluating dynamic characteristics of high current transducers.
- System for controlling magnetic environment of quantum processor based on ultra-high resolution fluxgate sensor. Federal Target Program "Scientific and pedagogical staff of innovative Russia". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Three-component magnetometer for weak magnetic fields.
- Precision resistive and inductive transducers with improved dynamic characteristics. Federal Target Program "Scientific and pedagogical staff of innovative Russia". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Control technique for dynamic characteristics of coaxial shunts.
- Production and distribution of automated measurement complex. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Precision inductive divider and differential indicator.
- Production of fictitious power calibrators. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Device for automated verification and adjustment of electricity meters
- Efforts for approval of NI PXI 5404 type generator and NI PXI 5114 digitizer. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Inclusion of the generator and the digitizer into the State Register of Measuring Instruments.
- Development of prototyping boards on the base of NIELVIS for performing laboratory assignments in electronics. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Prototyping boards for performing laboratory assignments
- Fluid analyzer based on PXI standard modular measurement system for analyzing electrolyte composition in micro arc oxidation. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Hardware and software on the basis of PXI standard.
- Virtual system for measuring parameters of microplasma processes in solutions. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Hardware and software for measuring current-voltage characteristics of microplasma arc.
- Development of a technique for retrieving and processing of colorimetric data on the basis of polymeric optodes for identifying trace amounts of substances. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Method of digital colorimetric analysis of substance composition.
- Intranet ranking during data transfer in wireless sensor network. EERSS program grant, National University of Singapore. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Project of data transfer protocol with prioritization based on consensual relationship.
- Research work by young researcher Irina A. Marinushkina from Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan, in Tomsk Polytechnic University. RFFI grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Algorithm of aggregating inter-laboratory comparison results based on consensual relationship.
Head of research contact information Sergey V. Muravyov, DSc, Professor, Head of Dept. of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology Tel. +7 (3822) 417527, fax +7 (3822) 420449, e-mail: