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Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Main > Research and development activities > Hardware and software tools and techniques for retrieving and interpreting data of measuring parameters of technological processes and natural features
Hardware and software tools and techniques for retrieving and interpreting data of measuring parameters of technological processes and natural features


Department of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology

Applied tasks

  • Aggregating multisensor data based on preference processing; sensor networks
  • Systems of automated verification and adjustment of electricity meters
  • Precision inductive dividers
  • Precision arbitrary waveform generators, digital processing of pilot signals
  • Study of dynamic behaviour of high current transducers
  • Simulation and optimization of microwave control devices
  • Analysis of trace amounts of substances on the basis of colorimetric characteristics of transparent polymer optical sensors
  • Software graphical measurement technologies and metrological certification of measurement system software

Laboratory facilities

The department has the following modern high-cost equipment: FLUKE 5520A multifunction calibrator, Agilent 3458A programmable multimeter, LeCroy WaveSurfer 62Xs two-channel oscilloscope, National Instruments equipment kit (SCXI, PXI, CompactRIO, Vision, ELVIS-I platforms), ANSYS physical simulation package, LabVIEW graphical programming system (National Instruments).

Tasks performed

  1. Hardware and software suite for computer-aided testing of high current transducers. Federal Target Program "Research and development in priority development areas of Russian scientific and technological complex". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Methods of evaluating dynamic characteristics of high current transducers.
  2. System for controlling magnetic environment of quantum processor based on ultra-high resolution fluxgate sensor. Federal Target Program "Scientific and pedagogical staff of innovative Russia". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Three-component magnetometer for weak magnetic fields.
  3. Precision resistive and inductive transducers with improved dynamic characteristics. Federal Target Program "Scientific and pedagogical staff of innovative Russia". Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Control technique for dynamic characteristics of coaxial shunts.
  4. Production and distribution of automated measurement complex. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Precision inductive divider and differential indicator.
  5. Production of fictitious power calibrators. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Device for automated verification and adjustment of electricity meters
  6. Efforts for approval of NI PXI 5404 type generator and NI PXI 5114 digitizer. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Inclusion of the generator and the digitizer into the State Register of Measuring Instruments.
  7. Development of prototyping boards on the base of NIELVIS for performing laboratory assignments in electronics. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Prototyping boards for performing laboratory assignments
  8. Fluid analyzer based on PXI standard modular measurement system for analyzing electrolyte composition in micro arc oxidation. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Hardware and software on the basis of PXI standard.
  9. Virtual system for measuring parameters of microplasma processes in solutions. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Hardware and software for measuring current-voltage characteristics of microplasma arc.
  10. Development of a technique for retrieving and processing of colorimetric data on the basis of polymeric optodes for identifying trace amounts of substances. UMNIK program grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Method of digital colorimetric analysis of substance composition.
  11. Intranet ranking during data transfer in wireless sensor network. EERSS program grant, National University of Singapore. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Project of data transfer protocol with prioritization based on consensual relationship.
  12. Research work by young researcher Irina A. Marinushkina from Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan, in Tomsk Polytechnic University. RFFI grant. Scientific and practical outcomes, their implementation: Algorithm of aggregating inter-laboratory comparison results based on consensual relationship.

Head of research contact information

Sergey V. Muravyov, DSc, Professor, Head of Dept. of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology

Tel. +7 (3822) 417527, fax +7 (3822) 420449, e-mail: muravyov@tpu.ru