IC mission is to develop, spread and apply knowledge in the sphere of applied mathematics, computer science, information technologies and control systems in fundamental and applied research, engineering and academic staff training and retraining.
The strategic aim is to create conditions and motivation to develop an innovative activity and training according to the world standards of top-ranked specialists.
The corresponding objectives are as follows:
1. in resources
1.1 Financial resources
Aim: to diversify the financial resources and to develop the system of financial resources attraction:
- customized specialist training (on the basis of elite and usual students teams);
- list formation and possible additional education services offtake to enterprises;
- consultancy firm establishment and services accomplishment;
- conclusion of contracts with foreign partners;
- development of department structure to provide academic and educational services.
1.2 Physical resources
Aim: to use material and technical facilities of IC Russian and foreign partners.
1.3 Intellectual resources
Aim: to prepare academic and teaching staff:
- to bring up the proportion of young teachers (under 35 years old) up to 50%;
- to increase the proportion of thesis defense at a viva voce in time up to 60%;
- to form the personnel reserve of the institute;
- to get the international certification of staff in the area of IT.
2. in organization and management process
- to boost the use of moral incentives (conferment of honorary ranks to the institute staff);
- to improve the incentive system of young staff (contests, awards, technical equipment);
- to develop and introduce the assessment system of teacher labor taking into account the academic, training activity and students' scientific research;
- to increase the requirements to academic teaching staff while performance reviews and competitive selections for an academic teaching positions.
Aim: to increase the efficiency of financial resources receipt:
- to improve the staff incentive system to attract extra-budgetary funds.
Aim: to increase the efficiency of physical resources use.
Aim: to develop the system of explicit and implicit knowledge management:
- to conduct seminars on knowledge management system in the institute and TPU;
- to develop the Web-portal of the institute with IT ontology.
Aim: to boost the participation of the institute staff in international programs:
- to establish the consultancy group to enter the international programs;
- to develop the Institute European office.
Aim: to boost the cooperation with the graduates:
- to create a Council and a consortium of graduates, graduates data base;
- to arrange the collaboration with the institute graduates to establish the mutually beneficial contacts;
- to determine the lineup and create the board of regents of the institute.
3. in results
3.1 Educational activities
Aim: transition to ECTS:
- to develop the basic curriculum of integrated education programmes;
- to develop the concept of academic advisers;
- to implement the credit system and grade-rating system.
Aim: development of the education system according to the international educational standards:
- to provide each IC department with the accreditation of one education programme in RF Association of Engineering Education and international accreditation centres;
- to give graduates a Diploma Supplement;
- to make an inventory and to extend the sphere of application of on-line distance learning electronic systems;
- to prepare “Computer Engineering” international students.
Aim: expansion in the number of Master degree programmes in the sphere of high technologies:
- to develop and arrange the training process on Master degree programmes in:
- CALS-technologies;
- charged-particle beam modeling;
- telecommunication systems;
- Computer Engineering programmes.
- to attract Tomsk IT-companies potential to develop Master degree programmes in Hi-Tech sphere.
Aim: education internationalization in IC:
- to increase the number of teachers with English Certificates;
- to make a list of educational services for international students in IC Web-portal;
- to make international students participation in academic studies;
- to increase the amount of international students and postgraduate students up to 10%;
- to attract international teachers to work in IC;
- to form writing teams to prepare workbooks in cooperation with the staff of international educational institutions.
Aim: intensification of research, evaluation and engineering activity in students’ performance of their research works, graduation projects and works:
- to increase the amount of students curricular practical trainings at production enterprises up to 70%;
- to arrange the students course and graduation projects performance by order of enterprises;
- to create and support student teams to carry out projects for particular enterprises;
- to conduct student research seminars at all departments of the institute during winter and summer terms;
- to arrange students curricular practical trainings in IT-companies;
- to attract the qualified specialists of industry and Academy of Sciences to the training process.
Aim: development of collaborative education programmes with IC partners in Hi-Tech sphere:
- to develop the collaborative education programmes with Cagliari University (Italy) on GIS in engineering services and urban studies;
- to cooperate with foreign universities in the sphere of CALS-technologies;
- to attract the potential of Tomsk IT-companies ;
- to sign contracts with universities – partners of CLUSTER and CESAER.
Aim: development and usage of the remote access test rooms:
- to determine the databases and servers in the Internet being actual for IC;
- to develop the collaborative test rooms with IT-companies;
- to develop the IC Web-site with books, workbooks and IC scientific research results electronic library;
- to develop the IC Web-portal with semantics components.
3.2. Scientific activity
Aim: strategic development of “breakthrough” concepts in science and technologies:
- to become “recognizable” in the world academic society on:
- GIS concept;
- knowledge management systems;
- to form complex suggestions for 6th and 7th framework programmes of EU;
- to conduct IC scientific seminars and conferences to identify the breakthrough scientific concepts and their support;
- specialist traineeship in the leading inland and foreign centres.
Aim: to boost the efficiency of IC and Scientific Research Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences cooperation:
- to invite leading scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences to give lectures;
- to cooperate with the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Institutes (Novosibirsk) at the level of cooperative works, publications, projects and grants;
- to develop projects for contests, grants, tender procedures with the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation and Tomsk innovative enterprises.
Aim: to increase the technological completeness of scientific research results:
- to create a list (according to the ISO-9001 standard) of completed methods, algorithms, programmes, devices, systems and services;
- to certify the institute for the right to perform project works on IT concept;
- to increase the participation in trade shows (inland and foreign).
Aim: to publish the scientific works in the leading journals:
- to arrange the IC scientific seminars;
- to publish 6 articles in the leading world journals one every three months including the reviews;
- to develop the IC electronic journal with the Internet access.
Aim: to create the international scientific test rooms with CLUSTER and CESAER universities:
- on knowledge management systems;
- in the sphere of CALS-technologies.
Aim: to arrange international conferences on IC basis:
- to give IC students and young scientists conferences the international status;
- to arrange the international conferences on CALS-technologies and ERP-systems;
- to conduct annual IT conferences on the basis of TPU.