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Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Main > Research and development activities > Systems analysis and business process reengineering
Systems analysis and business process reengineering


Department of Control System Optimization

Applied tasks

  1. Development and implementation of models, techniques and tools of systems analysis and reengineering.
  2. Development and implementation of hybrid models of organizational and technological objects.
  3. Development of technology of data mining and support for decision-making in managing organizational and technological objects.
  4. Development and implementation of target programs for development of organizational and technological objects.
  5. Development and implementation of process reengineering programs for organizational and technological objects.

Intellectual property

  1. Certificate of registration in "Sector-specific collection of algorithms and programs" №3154 from 04.02.2004.
  2. Certificate of State registration in "National information collection of published documents" №50200400104 from 20.02.2004. //"WinESISP" integrated tool set// V.A. Silich, M.P. Silich, N.Yu. Khabibulina, A.V. Chursin.

Tasks performed

  1. "On targeted training of specialists", OJSC NK Rosneft - NTC (Krasnodar), 2007.
  2. "Development of theoretical foundations for forming a complex program of utility infrastructure development of a municipal entity (exemplified by Tomsk rayon)", "Non-profit fund for regional power system development" (Tomsk)
  3. "Development of telecommunication elements of a situation room", 2009.

Head of research contact information

Institute of Cybernetics, office 410.

E-mail: vas@tpu.ru