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Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
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Department of Control Systems Optimization of the Institute of Cybernetics won the competition of the federal target program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The staff of Department of Control Systems Optimization of the Institute of Cybernetics develops the Russian technology and standards of the data transmission for the digital oil fields that will be compatible with their international prototypes. The amount of the contract with the Ministry is 9 million rubles. The research staff of the Department headed by Alexander Kochegurov (Ph.D., Acting Deputy Director for Science) has become one of 20 winners of 124 universities and organizations in the country, which submitted the application for the grant.

The concept of the digital oil fields is a set of equipment of well clusters, oil and gas treatment and storage, reservoir pressure maintenance, field pipeline, containing telemetry for continuous collection of information and its transmission by a computer network of oil and gas company."Intellectualization" of deposits increases the oil recovery, reduces the operating costs and increase the oil recovery factor of the bed, reduces the number of the maintenance staff and reduces the environmental impact. The world leading corporations and mining services tend to create the so-called digital oil fields.

This topic has been chosen by the research team not by accident, as the applied research of the Institute on technology areas correspond to the priority tasks of the Russian economy and contribute to the competitiveness of the Institute.