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Institute of Cybernetics
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Visit of German Professor, Sabina Moebs, to the Institute of Cybernetics for the purpose of partnerships establishment.

This summer, TPU organized summer Russian-German school in cooperation with the University Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg (DHBW HDH) Heidenheim (Germany). And Professor Moebs (her homepage) visited the Institute of Cybernetics in the framework of this summer school.

The purpose of the visit of Mrs. Mebs was to discuss with the representatives of IC departments the research topics and ways of cooperation that will be of interest to both sides. Professor carried out the research in areas such as Software Engineering - Requirement and Usability, Software Process Improvement, etc., she worked in various research groups in Germany and Ireland, reported at a number of scientific and professional conferences. She is a professor of Cooperative State University Baden Wuerttemberg (Germany).

Representatives of IC departments actively discussed the possible scope of mutual interests in educational and scientific areas. Mrs. Moebs suggested some variants of joint cooperation in terms of research activities of IC students in DHBW HDH programs, partnership and representation of IC interests in various international scientific associations, joint publications, etc.

This visit will definitely open the new opportunities for international research and educational programs of the students and teaching staff of the Institute of Cybernetics.