The Institute of Cybernetics is going to establish the partnership with the Norwegian University
Late March, the Institute of Cybernetics arranged a visit of the Professor of the Norwegian Scientific and Technical University, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, Anton Shiryaev. During the visit of Professor held an open lecture on «Motion Planning, Motion Representation and its Orbital Stabilization for Mechanical System», devoted to the issues of the modeling of mechanical systems and motion control in such systems.
The lecture was aimed at the students, postgraduate students and staff of TPU, who are specialized in software and process control systems. During the lecture there were presented the methods of the motion stabilization, unconventional approaches and solution approaches were explained, in particular the Professor, Anton Shiryaev, considered such an important aspect as coordination of the system motion and its behavior. Also there were demonstrated the existing mathematical formulas required to calculate the dynamics of the arbitrary mechatronic system construction.
Later the professor met with the Director of the Institute and visited the departments of the Institute and the University. As a result of the visit, the Director of the Institute and the Professor agreed on organization of lectures and practical classes for the students of the Institute of Cybernetics during the summer period. Also there was made a proposal to organize a training internship for the best students and staff of the Institute in the Norwegian Scientific and Technical University, Trondheim, Norway.
In the long-term plan there are plans to develop the joint courses on "the Control of Mechanical Systems" and "Training in the use of industrial robots"; to invite the young foreign faculty for employment and participation in the Institute projects and project collaboration with the departments of the Institute of Cybernetics.