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Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
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Institute of Cybernetics is developing a world-class program in mathematical simulation

The faculty of the TPU Institute of Cybernetics visited the University of Wuppertal (Germany) during February 22 to February 28 in the framework of the project TEMPUS ACES «Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Science" of the European Union TEMPUS program. The purpose of the visit was to participate in the meeting of the working group for the development of the tutorials jointly with the professors of the University of Wuppertal for the Master's program "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science."

During the next academic year the students of Tomsk Polytechnic University will be able to use these tutorials on applied mathematics, reflecting, in particular, the approaches of the European school of mathematical simulation.

During the visit the associate professors of the TPU Institute of Cybernetics not only worked on the tutorials development, but also got acquainted with the campus and the process of education of the University of Wuppertal. Together with undergraduates they attended the lectures of the visiting professor of the Polytechnic University of Budapest, Daniel John.

As a result of the working meetings the faculty of the TPU Institute of Cybernetics presented the developed content and structure of the tutorials for the module "Mathematical Simulation", as well as a fruitful exchange of experience in teaching of applied mathematics.