25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Scientific interests
  • Electrical engineering
  • Junction circuits’ commutation
  • Unconventional power sources
Selected works:
  1. S.V. Pustynnikov, T.E. Khokhlova, N.A. MakenovaUse of induced circuit switch for DC high current circuits’ commutation // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2009 - Vol. 314 –N 4. - pp. 88-91.
  2. S.V. Pustynnikov, E.B. Shandarova. Development of ideoglossary on “Electrical engineering” // Applied philology: ideas, conceptions, projects: Collected works of the VIIIth International research and practice conference: in two parts, Tomsk, 27-29th of October 2010. – Tomsk: TPU, 2010 – Vol. 1 – pp. 222-223 [9456-2011]
  3. S.V. Pustynnikov, Т. Е.Khokhlova.Useofno-touchcircuitbreakersininductance loaded DCcircuit// Privolzhsky scientific bulletin. - 2011 - №. 4 - C. 25-30 [560-2012]
  4. S.V. Pustynnikov, Т. Е. Khokhlova.
  5. Modelling the operation of resonance commutation switch in DC circuit // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2011 - Vol. 318 - N 4. - pp. 76-79 [14511-2011]
  6. G.V.Nosov, S.V. Pustynnikov.Inductance-capacitancegeneratorofpowerfulcurrentpulsesfor power supply of electrophysical equipment in frequency mode// Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2012 - Vol. 320 - N 4 - pp. 111-115 [3742-2012]
  7. S.V. Pustynnikov, E.B. Shandarova. Peculiarities of teaching electric engineering to Chinese and Vietnamese students // International education and intercultural communication: problems, search and solutions: collected works of international research and practical conference, Tomsk, 20-22November 2013. – Tomsk: TPU, 2014 – pp.25-29 [592806-2014]
  8. S.V. Pustynnikov, Т. Е. Khokhlova.
  9. Circuit breaker of inductance loaded high current DC circuits // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University- 2014 - Vol. 324 - N 4. - pp. 117-122 [569306-2014]
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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