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List of methodological works

List of methodological works
Study guides and methodological works(2009-2014)

  1. Electronics: methodologicalguidelinesforlaboratory research / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); authors:G.V. Nosov, S.V. Pustynnikov, T.E. Khokhlova. — Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2009. — p.57 :ref.: p. 55.
  2. Theoreticalfoundationsofelectricalengineering, part1: workprogram, methodological guidelines andindividual homework N 1,2 for the students of DLI / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); authors:P.N. Bychkov, S.V. Pustynnikov, R.N. Smetanina. — Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2010. — p. 40.:— ref.: p. 40.
  3. Generalelectricalengineering: workprogram, methodological guidelines andindividual homework N1, N2, N3 /National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); authors:S.V. Pustynnikov, S.A. Novikov. — Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2010. — ref.: p.43.
  4. N.V. Kurikova, S.V. Pustynnikov, E.B. Shandarova: Russian as a foreign language for electrical engineering [Electronic resource]: Study guide. - Tomsk: TPU, 2010 –p.128 –Access mode: [2100-2011]
  5. Theoreticalfoundationsofelectricalengineering, part 1. MethodologicalguidelinesforTFEEcoursefor the solution ofcomputational and graphical tasksN1,2,3,4 /National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); authors:S.V. Pustynnikov, G.A. Sypailov. — Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2011. p. 46:— ref.: p. 46.
  6. E.O. Kuleshova , V.A. Kolchanova , V.D. Es’kov, S.V. PustynnikovTheoreticalfoundationsofelectricalengineeringin experiments and exercises. Case study inElectronicsWorkbench software: Study guide. - Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2011 –p.136. [14531-2011]
  7. Theoreticalfoundationsofelectricalengineering, part1: methodological guidelines andindividual tasksfor the students of DLI studying the specialty N140400 «Power and electric engineering» /National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); authors:V.A. Kolchanova, S.V. Pustynnikov -Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2012. — p.56: ref.: p. 56.
  8. S.V. Pustynnikov, E.B. Shandarova, V.Khan -. General electrical engineering: Study guide. –Tomsk: TPU, 2013 –p.102 [10395-2013]

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