Advanced training - Use ofsupercapacitorsinelectromobileenergyrecuperationsystem. Advanced training in the Institute of Physics at Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2014.
- Use of unconventional power sources. Advancedtraininginregional educational scientific technological center of resources supply, Tomsk,2010.
Awards - «WilhelmLeibniz»medalofEuropean scientific and industrial consortium, 2014.
- RecognitionletterfromTomskmayorforlong-termproductivework,receivedonthetenthanniversary of the Preparatory Department for foreign citizens of the Instituteof Distance Learning and Language Teaching FSBEI HPO NRTPU, 2012.
- RecognitionletterfromTPUIIELTfor contribution to the development of international education in TPU, 2012.