Фёдоров Евгений Михайлович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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29/10/14 An article in the journal with impact factor of 1.649 "Optics & Laser Technology"
Methods of resolution enhancement of laser diameter measuring instruments
Pages 86-92 Yury A. Chursin, Evgeny M. Fedorov
12.08.14 Approved for use electronic course "Design of microprocessor measuring instruments"
Design of microprocessor measuring instruments
09.12.15 An article in the journal indexed in the database SCOPUS "IOP Conf Series:. Materials Science and Engineering"
Optical laser diffraction transducer for measuring single-wire electric cable eccentricity
Fedorov E. M. Optical laser diffraction transducer for measuring single-wire electric cable eccentricity // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2015 - Vol. 81, Article number 012074. - p. 1-10
02.08.16 An article together with the master student in the journal indexed in SCOPUS-based "Journal of Technical Physics"
Controlling the external diameter of extended products based on optical diffraction method
Bortnikov D. I. Fedorov EM control the external diameter the extended products based on optical diffraction method // Technical Physics. - 2015 - 85 T - Vol. 11. - C. 117-120
08.01.17 Вышла статья совместно с магистрантом в трудах конференции индексируемых в базе SCOPUS MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 79, 11 October 2016, Article number 01082 "Diameter Calculation in Contactless Three-Axis Measuring Devices" Fedorov. E., Koba.A.
Diameter Calculation in Contactless Three-Axis Measuring Devices
01.03.17 Вышла статья совместно с магистрантом в трудах конференции индексируемых в базе 2016 SCOPUS 2016 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines, Dynamics 2016 "Three-axis laser method for measuring the diameter of cylindrical objects" Fedorov E.M., Koba A.A.
Three-axis laser method for measuring the diameter of cylindrical objects
Вышла статья в журнале входящем в перечень рецензируемых научных изданий - ВАК. ПОЛЗУНОВСКИЙ ВЕСТНИК № 4, Т.2, 2016, с 88-93, "РАСЧЕТ ДИАМЕТРА В БЕСКОНТАКТНЫХ ТРЁХКООРДИНАТНЫХ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЯХ", Е.М. Фѐдоров, А.А. Коба.
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