Фёдоров Евгений Михайлович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 4717
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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Course description
The work program of discipline "Design of microprocessor measuring instruments"
03.12.01 Direction - "Instrument Making" Profile preparation 200100.24 "Methods and Equipment of Quality Control and Diagnostics» magistracy Semester 3
The course "Design of microprocessor measuring instruments" is considering the following questions: Stages and methods of design of microprocessor-based measurement systems; classification, designation and description of microprocessors microcontrollers and supporting LSI; hardware and software for industrial automation systems; description and characteristics common current models of single-chip microcomputer; Description of programming languages ​​and developer tools; technical and software implementation of certain types of electronic components measuring microprocessor systems.
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