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Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Institute of Cybernetics
Main > Research and development activities > Research and development of advanced cutting tool designs
Research and development of advanced cutting tool designs


Department of Automated Engineering Technology

Applied tasks

Development of designs and manufacturing technology and study of technological capabilities of small-diameter gun drills.

Laboratory facilities

  1. Materials cutting and finishing plastic deformation laboratory of Department of AET.
  2. Cutting tool design and production laboratory
  3. Software: MS Visual Studio, Eclipse, Mathlab, NeuroSolution, Ansys.
  4. Hardware: TPU SKIF supercomputing cluster, GPU.

Tasks performed

Study of design features of solid carbide gun drills 1 to 12 mm in diameter

Head of research contact information

Sergey V. Kirsanov, DSc, Assoc. Prof.

Tel. +7 (3822) 419526

E-mail: TMRI@tpu.ru