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Буркатовская Юлия Борисовна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение информационных технологий, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-16-09
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23 февраля 2025 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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StanfordOnline: SOE.YCSCS1 Compilers
31.09. Structure of compiler. Basics of lexical analysis.
Basic of compilers (presentation)
Intro to compilers
Task to the video "Intro to compilers"
Fill the gaps
Structure of a compiler (video)
Week 2.
Basics of lexical analysis. Regular expressions.
Lexical analysis (presentation)
Video from the Stanford course
03.01. Lexical Analysis <\br> 03.02. Lexical Analysis Examples <\br> 03.03. Regular Languages. <\br> 03.04. Formal Languages. <\br> 03.05. Lexical Specifications. <\br>
Regular expressions examples (video from NESO Academy)
Designing of RE (video from NESO Academy)
Task: Regular expressions
Record of the lesson 2
\\\tracey\video\Lesson_week_2 (Lexical analysis and regular expressions).mp4
Week 3.
Finite Automata.
Video from the Stanford course
04.02. Finite Automata
04.03. Regular Expressions into NFAs
04.04. NFA to DFA
04.05. Implementing Finite Automata
Task: Finite Automata
Pumping lemma (NESO Academy video)
Pumping lemma example 1 (NESO Academy video)
Pumping lemma example 2 (NESO Academy video)
Week 4-6.
Syntax analysis
Parsing (presentation)
Vidoe from the Stanford course
03.01. Lexical Analysis
03.02. Lexical Analysis Examples
03.03. Regular Languages.
03.04. Formal Languages.
03.05. Lexical Specifications.
Context-free Grammars
Week 7-9
Top-down parsing
Top-down parsing (presentation)
Video from Stanford course
06.02. Absrtact syntax tree
Week 10-12
Bottom-up parsing
Bottom-up parsing (presentation)
Simple LR example
SLR(1) example
07.05. Bottom-up parsing.
07.06. Shift-reduce parsing.
08.01. Handles.
08.02. Recognizing handles.
08.03. Recognizing viable prefixes.
08.04. Valid items.
08.05. SLR parsing.
08.06. SLR parsing example.
08.07. SLR improvement.
08.08. SLR examples.
Week 14-15
Semantic analysis
Video from the Stanford course
09.01. Introduction to Semantic Analysis Analysis
09.02. Scope
09.03. Symbol Tables
09.04. Types
09.05. Type Checking
09.06. Type Environments
09.07. Subtyping
09.08. Typing Methods
09.09. Implementing Type Checking
Scope rules in C
Scoping rules in R
Scope Resolution in Python | LEGB Rule
C++ scope rules
Introduction to Static and Dynamic Typing
Dynamic Typing vs Static Typing (Java)
Typing: dynamic vs. static and weak vs strong
Duck Typing in Python
The Inconvenient Truth About Dynamic vs. Static Typing
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