31.09. Structure of compiler. Basics of lexical analysis.
Week 2. Basics of lexical analysis. Regular expressions.
Video from the Stanford course 03.01. Lexical Analysis <\br> 03.02. Lexical Analysis Examples <\br> 03.03. Regular Languages. <\br> 03.04. Formal Languages. <\br> 03.05. Lexical Specifications. <\br>
Record of the lesson 2 \\videofiles.tpu.ru\tracey\video\Lesson_week_2 (Lexical analysis and regular expressions).mp4
Video from the Stanford course 04.02. Finite Automata 04.03. Regular Expressions into NFAs 04.04. NFA to DFA 04.05. Implementing Finite Automata
Vidoe from the Stanford course 03.01. Lexical Analysis 03.02. Lexical Analysis Examples 03.03. Regular Languages. 03.04. Formal Languages. 03.05. Lexical Specifications.
Video from Stanford course 06.02. Absrtact syntax tree
Week 10-12 Bottom-up parsing
07.05. Bottom-up parsing. 07.06. Shift-reduce parsing. 08.01. Handles. 08.02. Recognizing handles. 08.03. Recognizing viable prefixes. 08.04. Valid items. 08.05. SLR parsing. 08.06. SLR parsing example. 08.07. SLR improvement. 08.08. SLR examples.
Week 14-15 Semantic analysis
Video from the Stanford course 09.01. Introduction to Semantic Analysis Analysis 09.02. Scope 09.03. Symbol Tables 09.04. Types 09.05. Type Checking 09.06. Type Environments 09.07. Subtyping 09.08. Typing Methods 09.09. Implementing Type Checking