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1) Baskakov M.B., Gusakova S.V., Zheludeva A.S., Smagly L.V., Kovalyov I.V., Vtorushina T.A., Nosov D.S., Yeryomenko K.V., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N Effect of hydrogen sulfide on the contractile activity of smooth muscle cells from the rat aorta // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2010. V.9,-№6. - P. 12-17. 2) Gusakova S.V., Baskakov M.B., Kovalev I.V., Zheludeva A.S., Smagly L.V., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N. The regulation mechanisms of contractile activity of smooth muscle cells: reactive oxygen species role // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2011. V.10,№3. P. 30-36. 3) Smagliy L.V., Zheludeva A.S., Gusakova S.V., Baskakov M.B., Kovalev I.V., Vtorushina T.A., Orlov S.N. Hydrogen sulfide vasorelaxing action: role of potassium conductance of membrane // Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2012. – № 5; URL: http://www. science-education. ru/105-7088. 4) Kovalyov I.V., Baskakov M.B., Gusakova S.V., Vtorushina T.A., Zheludeva A.S., Smagliy L.V., Rozhkova O.S., Nosov D.S., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N. The effect of hydrogen sulfide on electrical and contractile activity of smooth muscle cells in guinea pig ureter // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2012.V.11. №6., P. 51-59. 5) Baskakov M.B., Zheludeva A.S., Gusakova S.V., Smagliy L.V., Kovalev I.V., Birulina Yu.G., Aleynik A.N., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N. The role of nitric oxide in the mechanisms of action of carbon monoxide on the contractile activity of smooth muscle cells from the rat aorta // Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013. – № 2; URL: http://www.science-education.ru/108-8689. 6) Smagliy L.V. Role of Na+, K+, 2Cl– – cotransport in mechanisms of vasoconstrictive action of hydrogen sulfide // Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013. – № 2; URL: http://www.science-education.ru/108-8675. 7) Baskakov M.B., Gusakova S.V. Zheludeva A.S., Smagliy L.V., Aleynik A.N., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N. Ionic mechanisms of gas transmitters action on contractile activity of vascular smooth muscle // Russian Physics Journals. – 2013. – 4/2. – P.73-78. 8) Abramenko Ye.Ye., Nosarev A.V., Smaglyi L.V., Kapilevich L.V., D’yakova Ye.Yu., Tabayeva A.M., Kironenko T.A., Selivanova V.S. Morphological features of lung structure and functional activity of the airways of guinea pigs after long-term exposure with nanosized magnetite // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2013.- №1. - P. 7-13. 9) Baskakov M.B., Zheludeva A.S., Gusаkоva S.V., Smagly L.V., Аlеiпik А.N., Уаnсhuk Р.Т.,Medvedev М.А., Огlоv S.N. Ionic mechanisms of carbon monoxide action on the contractile properties of smooth muscles of the blood vessels // Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal – 2014. – V.59. - №3.- P.18-24. 10) Kovalev I.V., Gusakova S.V., Birulina Yu.G., Smagly L.V., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N., Kubishkin A.V., Nosarev A.V. The role of gasotransmitters in regulating of the functions of smooth muscles: the possible effector systems // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2014. – 13(6). – P.139-146. 11) Baskakov M.B., Zheludeva A.S., Gusаkоva S.V., Smagly L.V., Аlеiпik А.N., Уаnсhuk Р.Т.,Medvedev М.А., Огlоv S.N. Ionic Mechanisms of Carbon Monoxide Action on the Contractile Properties of the Vascular Smooth Muscles // International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology. - 2014. – 5(2). – С.141-149. 12) Orlov S.N., Koltsova S.V., Anfinogenova Ya.D., Kapilevich L.V., Gusakova S.V., Smagliy L.V., Baskakov M.B., Medvedev M.A. Sodium-potassium-chloride cotransport in the regulation of vascular myogenic tone // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine. – 2014. – 13(6). – P.165-174. 13) Smagliy L.V., Birulina Yu.G., Gusakova S.V., Kovalev I.V., Orlov S.N. Rol' kaliyevoy provodimosti membrany v mekhanizmakh deystviya serovodoroda na sosudistyye gladkiye myshtsy, predsokrashchennyye aktivatsiyey a1-adrenoretseptorov // Siberian Journal of Science. – 2015. – 15. – P.385-389. 14) Birulina Yu.G., Gusakova S.V., Ryazantseva N.V., Kovalev I.V., Smagliy L.V., Аlеiпik А.N. Vliyaniye gipoksii i reoksigenatsii na mekhanicheskoye napryazheniye gladkikh myshts sosudov pri aktivatsii a1-adrenoretseptorov // Siberian Journal of Science. – 2015. – 15. – P.390-394. 15) Smagliy L.V., Gusakova S.V., Birulina J.G., Kovalev I.V., Orlov S.N. The role of hydrogen sulfide in volume-dependent mechanisms of regulation of vascular smooth muscle cells contractile activity // Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. – 2015. – 101(4). – P.441-450. 16) Birulina J., Smagliy L., Gusakova S., Kovalev I., Nosarev A., Aleynik A. Contractile activity of vascular smooth muscles in hypoxia // Journal of Hypertension. –2015 - V. 33.- P.502-503. 17) Kovalev I., Gusakova S., Smagliy L., Birulina J., Idamgapova T., Nosarev A., Medvedev M., Orlov S. The role of gasotransmitters in regulating of the functions of smooth muscles // Journal of Hypertension. –2015 - V. 33. - P.514. 18) Gusakova S., Smagliy L, Kovalev I., Medvedev M. Influence of hydrogen sulfide on volume-dependent contractile responses // Journal of Hypertension. –2015 - V. 33. - P.514-515. 19) Smaglii L., Gusakova S., Birulina J., Kovalev I., Orlov S. role of NKCC in contractile action of hydrogen sulfide on vascular smooth muscle cells. Journal of Hypertension. –2015 - V. 33. - P.514. 20) Gusakova S.V., Kovalev I.V., Smaglii L.V., Birulina J.G., Nosarev A.V., Petrova I.V., Medvedev M.A., Orlov S.N., Reutov V.P. Gazovaya signalizatsiya v kletkakh mlekopitayushchikh // Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk – 2015. – Т. 46, № 4. – P. 53-73. 21) Nosarev A.V., Smagliy L.V., Anfinogenova Y., Popov S.V. Kapilevich L.V. Exercise and NO production: relevance and implications in the cardiopulmonary system // Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. – 2015. – V.2. – P.73., http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fcell.2014.00073/full.