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2010 - graduated with honors from the medico-biological faculty of Siberian State Medical University, specialty "medical biophysics". 2010 - 2013- ful l-time postgraduate study at the Department of Biophysics and Functional Diagnostics of the Siberian State Medical University. 2013 – defended PhD thesis in specialty 03.00.13 - normal physiology. 2013-2014 - internship on "X-ray diagnostics". 2013 - 2016 – assistant professor at the Department of Biophysics and Functional Diagnostics of the Siberian State Medical University. Since 03.2016 – associate professor at the Department of Biophysics and Functional Diagnostics of the Siberian State Medical University. Since 2015 till now – associate Professor at the Department of Physical Education of Tomsk Polytechnic University.