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Electric drive control systems

The course «Electric drive control systems» is logical extension of courses “Electric drive” and “Theory of automated control”. Students learning this course get the knowledge and skills in analysis, computing and developing of the controlled electric drives. This course is previous for such courses as “Automated electric drive” or “Installation and adjustment of electric drives and automation systems” and could be useful in graduation works for students qualified in "Electric drive and automation".

The course consists of the following modules:

1. General information about the electric drive control systems (EDCS).

2. Open loop EDCS.

3. Close loop EDCS based on the DC motor.

4. Close loop EDCS based on the induction motor.

5. Sensorless induction motor drive and diagnostics.

6. Close loop EDCS based on the synchronous motor.

7. Control systems for special applications electric drives.

8. Intelligent EDCS.

9. Digital EDCS.

Engineering of electric drives and automation systems

The course «Engineering of electric drives and automation systems» (Engineering) is needed as generalization of any knowledge and skills in the field of electric drives and automation systems development. To learn this course students need to pass the courses "Electric drive", "Automation system elements", "Measuring equipment", "Power converter equipment", "Microprocessor technology" and so on. “Engineering” aimed at:

1. The study of the design stages of automated electric drive and automation systems in terms of modern normative and technical documentation and with using the most widely applied software and devices.

2. The skill formation of drawing up the various kinds of technical documentation in a project.

Results of the course have an independent meaning and can be used in the graduation works.

The course consists of the following modules:

1. General engineering issues.

2. Stages of project development.

3. General provisions for the design of electric drives and automation systems.

4. Technical means of automated electric drive systems.

5. The calculation of operating modes and the selection of the automated electric drive systems.

6. Technical means of automation systems.

7. Software of automated electric drive and automation systems.

Computer graphics in electrical engineering

For the successful development of the course "Computer graphics in electrical engineering" it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the "Computer science", as well as the knowledge of school physics course section "Electricity" and the school course "Geometry". The obtained results of the course "Computer graphics in electrical engineering" are the knowledge and skills required for project-oriented activity in the courses such as "Power electronics", "Electrical and electronic devices", "Automation system elements" and others, as well as in the term papers and the graduation works.

The course consists of the following modules:

1. General provisions of the Unified system for design documentation.

2. Overview of pictorial symbols.

3. Pictorial symbols of electrical schemes.

4. Common questions of design documentation development.

5. Electrical schemes design rules.

6. Drawings of electrical products.

7. Text design documentation.

Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
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