Field of Research
Key areas of my research relate with the development of control systems for electric drives of complex technological objects such as mining machines. Proposed control systems provide the full control of the object dynamic state. Consequently, the control systems allow simultaneously the level reducing of dynamic loading in mechanical transmission, which means decreasing the number of accidental stoppages, and the improving the energy efficiency.
Regarding to the control systems for mining machines until recently the constraint of its development and implementation was the technical complexity of mining version of high-speed semiconductor power converters, especially for gas-hazardous mines. However, in present, the market of mining version converters is gradually filling, and in addition, the positive experience of its implementation is accumulating.
The main object of the electric drive control system is to provide a high performance, achieved by adjusting the executive body speed. In practice, this task is often solved by the subordinate control system with the overload limitation in case of the motor current or the electromagnetic torque is over bound. In this case, due to the viscoelastic properties of mechanical couplings in the transmission the dynamic loading may exceed both the nominal and the limit values and the motor power consumption mode could be inefficient.
At the same time it is possible to develop the electric drive control systems providing the dynamic load limiting and the regulating of forces in elastic transmission couplings together with the power consumption minimization, even taking into account the specific operating conditions.
The ability to control the dynamic state of complex technological objects also opens creation prospects for the control systems aimed at the precision positioning in a confined space. Such researches have a high relevance to the industrial manipulators, for example in robotics.