Гайворонский Сергей Анатольевич
Кандидат технических наук

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Papers in reviewed journal, recommended by HAC:

  1. Pushkarev M.I., Gayvoronskiy S.A. Parametric synthesis of PI-controller for linear control system with the help of coefficient indexes of a stability degree and a desired acceleration constant // Bulletin of Tomsk polytechnic university. – 2012. – vol. 320, №5. – p. 85-89.  fulltext
  2. Pushkarev M.I., Gayvoronskiy S.A.  fulltext
  3. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Linear robust controller synthesis for interval system with the help of MDSLS software // Bulletin of Tomsk polytechnic university. – 2012. – vol. 231 – №5 – p. 29-34.  fulltext
  4. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. PID-controller synthesis for maximization of interval control system stability degree // Control process automation. – 2013 – №1. – p. 86-91.  fulltext
  5. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Boiler unit controller synthesis with the help of MDSLS software // Bulletin of Voronezh state university. System analysis and information technologies. – 2013 – №1. – p. 5-9.   fulltext
  6. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Linear controller parametric synthesis for an interval control object // Mechatronics, automation, control. - 2013 - №. 9. - p. 5-9.   fulltext
  7. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A Tethered underwater vehicle control in conditions of sea disturbance // Control science. - 2014 - №. 6. - p. 9-14.  fulltext
  8. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Robust weight compensation control of spacecraft components on zero-gravity simulation system // Scientific-research bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Informatics. Telecommunication. Control. - 2014. - №. 4 (200). - p. 88-94.  fulltext
  9. Gayvoronskiy S.A., Ezangina T.A. Robust tether stretching control system for zero-gravity simulation system // Bulletin of Moscow aviation institute. - 2015. - vol. 22 - №. 1. - p. 67-74.  fulltext

Papers in cited and reviewed journal, recommended by HAC перечня SCOPUS:

  1. Pushkarev M.I., Gaivoronsky S.A. Control system robust controller parametric synthesis based on coefficient estimation of stability and oscillation indices // Proceedings of IFOST 2012. - TPU, Tomsk, Russia, 17-21 September, 2012. - Vol. 1. - P. 720-724.   fulltext
  2. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A. Robust control of complex dynamic units with interval parameters // 2nd International Conference on Systems and Computer Science (ICSCS 2013): proceedings, France, August 26-27, 2013. - New York: IEEE, 2013 - p. 201-204.   fulltext
  3. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A. Bundled Software for the Design of Interval Dynamic Systems // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014 - Vol. 446-447. - p. 1217-1221.   fulltext
  4. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A. The control of the descent submersible in the confused sea environment // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014 - Vol. 536-537. - p. 1200-1206.   fulltext
  5. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A. The synthesis of the robust Stabilization system of cable tension for the test Bench of weightlessness simulation // Advanced Materials Research. - 2014 - Vol. 1016. - p. 394-399.   fulltext
  6. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A. Robust Control of Weight Compensation of the Sections of Spascraft on the Weightlessness Simulation Bench // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014 - №. 666. - p. 166-170.   fulltext
  7. Pushkarev M.I., Gaivoronsky S.A. Maximizing stability degree of control systems under interval uncertainty using a coefficient method // Reliable Computing. - 2014. - Vol. 19, № 3. - P. 248-260.   fulltext
  8. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A., Efimov S. V. Construction of interval polynomial ensure the specified degree of robust stability // International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2014) : Conference Digest, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 26-28 Nov., 2014. - IEEE, 2014. - p. 292-295.   fulltext
  9. Ezangina T. A. , Gayvoronskiy S. A., Efimov S. V. Construction of robustly stable interval polynomial [Electronic resources] // Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering: CMEEE 2014, International Conference , Sanya, Hainan, P.R. China, 17-19 October 2014 : [proceedings]. – London: Taylor & Francis, 2014. – p. 292 - 295.   fulltext
  10. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A. , Pushkarev M. I. The interval-parametric synthesis of a linear controller based on the coefficient parameters of robust stability and oscillation // 15th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA'2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 21-23, 2014. — IEEE, 2014. - p. 754-757.   fulltext
  11. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A.Ensuring Maximum Stability Degree in the Systems with Interval Parameters // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2015 - №. 752-753. - p. 955-961.   fulltext
  12. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A.. The algorithm of analysis of root quality indices of high order interval systems // Proceedings of the 2015 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2015), China, May 23-25, 2015. - New York: IEEE, 2015 - p. 3048-3052.   fulltext
  13. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A.Accuracy enhancement of position stabilization of the tethered submersible vehicle // IFAC-PapersOnLine. - 2015 - Vol. 48. - Issue 2. - p. 131-136.   fulltext
  14. Gayvoronskiy S. A. , Ezangina T. A. , Khozhaev I. V. The interval-parametric synthesis of a linear controller of speed control system of a descent submersible vehicle // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2015 - Vol. 93, Article number 012055. - p. 1-6.   fulltext
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