Гайворонский Сергей Анатольевич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение автоматизации и робототехники, Доцент

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Postgraduate students teaching with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing».

Postgraduate student:

  1. Khozhaev Ivan Valerievich. Subject of PhD dissertation: “Motion control system for remotely operated underwater vehicle”. Proposed date of the thesis defense is 12.2020.

Graduated PhDs:

  1. Novokshonov Sergey Vladimirovich with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing.».
    Subject of dissertation: «Robust and adaptive algorithms of analysis and synthesis of interval control system with desired dynamics». Thesis defended on 03.12.2003.
  2. Zamyatin Sergey Vladimirovich with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing.».
    Subject of dissertation: «Algorithms of analysis and synthesis of interval control system with desired dynamics, based on a root locus approach». Thesis defended on 04.11.2007.
  3. Sukhodoev Mikhail Sergeyevich with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing».
    Subject of dissertation: «Analysis and synthesis of control systems with interval parameters, based on vertex polynomials root analysis». Thesis defended on 10.12.2008.
  4. Efimov Semyon Viktorovich with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing».
    Subject of dissertation: «Analysis and synthesis of time-invariant and interval control systems, based on analysis of systems zeros and poles». Thesis defended on 03.05.2011.
  5. Pushkarev Maksim Ivanovich with major in 05.13.06 – «Automation and control of technological processes and production in industry».
    Subject of dissertation: «Analysis and synthesis of control system for objects with interval parameters, based on root quality indexes». Thesis defended on 19.12.2014.
  6. Ezangina Tatiana Alexandrovna with major in 05.13.01 – «System analysis, control and information processing».
    Subject of dissertation: «Analysis and synthesis of dual mode control systems of a tethered descent undersea vehicle». Thesis defended on 21.12.2016.