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• The length of service at Tomsk Polytechnic University is 34 years.

• 1975-1978 – an assistant of the department of Geology and Geochemistry of rare and radioactive elements.

• 1979-1980 – an assistant professor of the department of Geology and Geochemistry of rare and radioactive elements.

• 1981 – an associate professor of the department of Mineral resources and Geochemistry of rare elements.

• 1981-1999 – the head of the department of Mineral resources and Geochemistry of rare elements.

• 2000 – present – Professor, the head of the department of Geoecology and Geochemistry; deliver lectures on “Geoecology”, “Geology of mineral resources”, “Mine fields of radioactive raw materials”, “Radioactive elements in environment. Radioecology”.

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