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Professor Rikhvanov is the author of 14 monographs and 200 publications, 7 of them are tutorials, 10 author’s certificates and patents. He was a scientific supervisor of 17 candidates of science and at present he is scientific adviser of 2 doctors of science. He is a member of three dissertation committees, a vice-chairman in two of them.

Rikhvanov L.P. has been working actively in international cooperation. In 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 he organized and held Russian-French seminars “Stratom –2000, 2001, 2002, 2004” (Lui-Pastor University in Strasbourg – Tomsk Polytechnic University), on the ecological problems. In 2005 he organized and held Russian-German seminar, on the problems of conservation and ecology (Karlsruhe University – Tomsk Polytechnic University). In 2001, 2003 2004 he organized and held Russian - Chinese seminars, on the non-traditional methods of forecasting and exploration of hydrocarbons. Professor Rikhvanov is a member of the editorial board of international journal “Problems of biogeochemistry and geochemical ecology” (Kazakhstan). He is a member of the organizing committee of International conferences, held in Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia. Professor Rikhvanov organized and held 3 international conferences “Radioactivity and radioactive elements in human environment” (1996, 2004, 2009).

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