Перегудина Елена Владимировна

Отделение геологии, Старший преподаватель
Организационный отдел, Инженер

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-63-44
Вн. телефон: 2964
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The course «Technological systems and environmental risk » deals with contemporary conditions in the sphere of assessment and analysis of technogenic and natural risk. Special attention is paid to hazard and risk assessment of environmental chemical pollution: soil, water, air as a result of anthropogenic activity.

The course objective is to develop the basic concept and technical approaches aimed at the problem solution of safety and sustainable interaction of man and nature; to form the idea of the scale and consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment, to make students familiar with the principles of quantitative and qualitative assessment of natural and technogenic risks, to develop the complex way of thinking permitting for minimization of negative impact on human and the environment.