Перегудина Елена Владимировна
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Старший преподаватель
Организационный отдел, Инженер

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-63-44
Вн. телефон: 2964
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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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The date of birth: 04.02.1975

Elena V. Peregudina graduated Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2003 with qualification of  geoecologist.

Since 1997 up to the present moment she has been working as a head of laboratory at the Geoecology and Geochemistry Department of TPU.

Educational activities:

2014 – further training “English language for administrative staff (for beginners)”

2014 – further training “Diagnostics of professional preferences and career development of TPU students ”.

Professional activities:

Work experience in TPU is 18 years.

Experience in teaching – 2 years.

2013 – 2015 –assistant lecturer of the Geoecology and Geochemistry Department.

Social work:

Since 2010 up to the present moment – trade union organizer of the Department.

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