Manifestations of natural and anthropogenic objects eastern Vasyugan ecosystem geochemical fields (Tomsk region).
Study: natural and manmade ecosystems district Bakchar iron ore unit, changes of natural objects (soil, snow cover, air, surface and ground water); changes in environmental conditions during the development of the object.
Participation in conferences:
1. "16" to "19" in November 2015 scientific-practical conference "Geotechnological methods of development of deposits of solid mineral resources", "All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials. NM Fedorovsk "(FSUE" SIMS "), Moscow, Russia ,;
2. 2-4 December 2015 .. II Int. Scient. konf.Tehnologicheskaya platform "Solid Minerals": man-made deposits ", Yekaterinburg: Mining Engineering of UB RAS, 2015;