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11 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Provalova Nadejda Valerievna
Medical Doctor
Interdisciplinary Department, associate professor
Scientific interests
  • studying the mechanisms of pathological conditions and the ways of their correction
  • studying the processes of harmonization of foreign students’ academic adaptation

Publications 3 monographs, 3 study guides, 3 patents and more than 60 scientific articles.
  • State research scholarship of RAS Presidium, 2000;
  • RFBR MAS grant, 2001;
  • RFBR grant N 00-040-48745 “Mechanisms of neurotic reactions’ somatization and principles of their pharmacological correction” 2001-2003;
  • Grant at the forth contest “Developments of young scientists in the sphere of fundamental medicine” held by Tomsk Regional Administration, 2005;
  • «Contribution to national medicine» grant, 2005-2007;
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