N.V. Provalova teaches the students of the IIELT’s Preparatory Department helping them to participate at conferences and foreign students’ festival.
List of the works of foreign students of the Preparatory Department:
- Riccardo Termilux «Microelements in human body», 2014.
- Demeka «Chemical basis of bad habits», 2011.
- Batbataar Doulamsuren «Soap. Past, present and future», 2010 .
- Damdinsuren Suhbataar «The mystery of water», 2010 г.
- Batsuur Zhavzma «Chemical elements in a living body», 2010.
- Ganbold Bolor-Erdene «We are made of acids», 2010.
- Crauze Paulo «Great names in chemistry», 2009.
- Camilo Silvo Pedro Paulo «Introduction to periodic law», 2009.
- Bat-Erdene Zhavlkan «We are living in the world of acids», 2009г.
- Le Thu Kuin’ «History of periodic law», 2008.
- Nguen Thi An’ Duong «Possible marker of biogeocenose state under the influence of IR and UV radiation », 2007.
- Sukh Uyanga «Characteristics of first-year students’ digestion system (according to survey data)», 2007.