Graduated Medical-Biological Department of Siberian State Medical University. Since 1996 till 2006 N.V. Provalova studied a full-time PhD course at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of TSC SB RAMS working there as Senior Researcher and Leading Researcher. During that period N.V. Provalova defended her theses for the degree of a Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic of “The role of adrenergic structures of nervous system in hematosis regulation at experimental neurotic impact” (1999) as well as for the degree of a Medical Doctor on the topic of “The mechanisms of influence of substances of natural origin on blood system during experimental neuroses” (2004). Since 2005 N.V. Provalova started to work at Tomsk Polytechnic University at the Institute of International Education (IIE) as an associate professor. At present Nadejda Valerievna works at “Diagnostic and Treatment Center” as Deputy Chief Doctor on research work as well as at the Interdisciplinary Department of the IIELT of SEI HPE “Tomsk Polytechnic University”. N.V. Provalova teaches chemistry and biology at the IIELT’s Preparatory Department preparing foreign pre-Masters to the study of both technical and medical-biological disciplines.