Improving the effectiveness of the transition of chemical elements from the electrode to the weld metal ММА
Methods for estimation of heat content of droplets of molten electrode metal by the dynamic parameters of the power supply
The method of determining the transition of chemical elements with covered electrodes in the weld, slag crust and atmosphere
Derived a mathematical equation for determining the radius, volume and surface area of active electrode drops portable short circuits
It was established experimentally that the current limitation, short circuit protection, inverter utilized in power source helps to increase transition to the electrode alloying elements from the mass fraction: Mn (0.08 to 0.17)%; Si (0.03 to 0.14), Ni (0.08 to 0.17) in the weld metal
It is established that the change of heat content of droplets of electrode metal when using the inverter power source to 14-17% in comparison with the diode rectifier, promotes reception of more equilibrium structures of metal, namely of steel 09G2S to reduce the length of the ferrite plates to 50% in the weld metal, change of size of ferrite grain of HAZ by 17.5 % and reduce the length of the HAZ by 50 %; for steel 45 reducing the size of ferritic grains 24.4%, reduction of extent of HAZ by 25%; for steel 12X18H9T decrease in grain size of weld metal 40% HAZ and 44%, the smaller the length of the HAZ of a welded joint 4 times
Developed technological recommendations for the work of MMA, providing reception of qualitative welded connection, resource efficient use of energy and materials of the electrodes (spray), cleaner weld