Ilyaschenko Dmitri Pavlovich b> He was born April 14, 1980 In 1997, he graduated from high school number 8 in Jurga Kemerovo region. In 1997 he enrolled at the branch of the Tomsk Polytechnic University (in Jurga), who graduated in 2003 with honors, "Technology and equipment of welding production" and was invited to work in Yurginskij Technological Institute (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University first as an assistant to the chair of welding production. Since September 2006, accepted the position of Senior Lecturer in welding and Acting Deputy Head of the Department for methodical work. p> Ilyaschenko DP author of 15 textbooks, 2 patents and more than 150 scientific publications. Awards b> - Medal of Merit TPU 2 degrees. Сентябрь 2012 г. Li>
- Medal for outstanding contribution to the development of Kuzbass 3 degrees. Декабрь 2012 г. Li>
- PAE Gold Medal "For pioneering work in the field of Higher Education» November 2013. li> ul>