Ильященко Дмитрий Павлович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение электронной инженерии, Доцент
Отделение промышленных технологий, Доцент

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1. Статья: Il'yashenko, D.P. Splashing in manual arc coated electrode welding and methods of reducing splashing/ D.P. Il'yashenko, S.V. Sapozhov // Welding International. 2008. Vol. 22, No 12, С 874-877; 2. Статья: Iljyashchenko D. P. , Zernin E. A. Determination of metal losses through splashing using different power sources // Welding international. - 2011 - Vol. 25 - №. 1 - С. 69-72 3. Статья: Iljyashchenko D. P. , Zernin E. A. , Shadsky S. V. Chemical composition of welding aerosol in manual coated electrode arc welding // Welding international. - 2011 - Vol. 25 - №. 9 - С. 719-721 4. Статья: Ilyashchenko D.P. Тhermal Imaging Investigations of Temperature Fields on the Surface of parts being Welded Item during Manual Arc Welding with Coated Electrodes/ D.P. Ilyashchenko, D.A. Chinakhov// RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING, 2011, vol. 47, No11, pp724 5. Статья: Intestigating the Influence of the Power Supply the Weld Joints Properties and Health Characteristics of the Manual Arc Welding / D.P. Ilyashchenko, D.A. Chinakhov//Materials Science Forum, 2011, No 12, pp 704-705. 6. Статья: Iljyashchenko D. P. , Chinakhov D. A. , Gotovshchik Y. M. Investigating the influence of the power supply type upon the properties of the weld joints under manual arc welding // Advanced Materials Research. - 2014 - Vol. 1040. - p. 837-844 7. Статья: Iljyashchenko D. P. , Chinakhov D. A. , Gotovshchik Y. M. MAW productivity development and reduction of its harmful effect on human organisms // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014 - Vol. 682. - p. 122-12 8. Статья: D.P. Il’yashchenko, D.A. Chinakhov, Yu.M. Gotovshchik Influence of Power Supply Energy Characteristics upon the Stability of MMA Process // Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 756 (2015) pp 97-100 9. Статья: D.P. Il’yashchenko, D.A. Chinakhov, Yu.M. Gotovshchik Calculation of the Heat Content of the Electrode Metal Droplet Wshen Applying Power Supplies for Manual Arc Welding With Different Volt-Ampere Characteristic// Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 756 (2015) pp 101-104 10. Статья: D.P. Il’yashchenko, D.A. Chinakhov, V.I. Danilov, G.V. Schlyakhova Influence of Arc Welding Power Supply on Structural Phase Composition of X12CrNiTi 18-9 (DIN) Weld// Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 770 (2015) pp 70-75