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Research Semkina L.I. takes part in research carried out at the Department of General Physics for the section of the course "Physics": solid state physics (interaction of atomic hydrogen with a solid surface; papers in journals: "Chemical Physics", " Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions", "Education", etc.). The certificates of authorship were obtained according to the results of research: No. 450975 «Device for determining the impact energy of pneumatic impact machines»; No. 1783405 «Method of determining the heterogeneous recombination coefficient of free atoms and radicals on the solid surface and the device for realization»; No. 1867381 «Device for determining the heterogeneous recombination coefficient of free atoms and radicals on the solid surface»; No. 1650684 «Technique for the formation of a thin film luminophore from calcium oxide»; No. 1663257 «Method for the determination of the gas content»; No. 1783389 « Technique for determining the concentration of vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules» (co-authored). Semkina L.I. collaborated with the scientists from Germany and Iceland in connection with the event 1.9 «Carrying out joint research with foreign partners» within the framework of the Federal Target Program «Research and Development in Priority Areas of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex in 2007-2013».
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