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Educational Activities.
2) Educational Activities. Academic discipline: Physics 1.1. DESCRIPTION OF DISCIPLINE. 1. Name of discipline PHYSICS 1.1 2. Conventional symbol (code) in the curriculum DISC.B Physics 1.1 3. Direction of PEP 21.03.01 Oil and Gas Engineering 4. Educational program specialization __no 5. Qualification _Akademic Bachelor 6. Division _Department of General Physics_ IPT 7. Assoc. Prof. (Department of General Physics) Semkina L.I. tel.8-909-538-12-48, Е-mail_Lis@tpu.ru_________ 8. Tasks of the discipline The tasks of the discipline "Physics 1.1" are as follows: • to acquire the necessary knowledge of the fundamental physical laws which describe the phenomena and the processes of mechanics, molecular physics, thermodynamics, and the knowledge in the promising areas of modern physics; • to acquire the skills for solving theoretical problems for the sections of the physics course: "Mechanics", "Molecular Physics", "Thermodynamics" with the practical applications, to develop the skills for acquiring and applying the knowledge; • acquisition of the skills to control the main parameters and modes of physical processes in order to obtain the desired results; acquisition of the skills to work with modern scientific equipment; development of the skills to conduct physical experiments; • application of acquired knowledge and skills in the professional activities; 9. The results after finishing the discipline learning/ Expected results after learning the discipline «Physics 1.1» No. Results RD 1 After learning the discipline the student should know: the basic concepts and laws (limits of applicability) and the models of classical and relativistic mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, and also the appropriate experimental facts to analyze complex engineering tasks in the field of oil and gas engineering RD 2 After learning the discipline the student should be able to: apply the laws of physics to explain physical phenomena in nature and technology, solve qualitative and quantitative physical problems of mechanics, molecular physics, thermodynamics in important practical applications during analyzing and solving complex engineering problems in the field of oil and gas engineering RD3 After learning the discipline the student must know: the methods of physical measurements and correct error evaluation during a physical experiment 10. The content of the module (Discipline) (the list of the main subjects (sections) Discipline "Physics 1.1" Name of section Name of subject In-class learning IWS (hour) Total Forms of monitoring and assessment (Colloquia (C). Tests (T)