Шадрина Анастасия Викторовна
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Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор

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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Unit 1. HDD
Task fo lecture 4(October 22, 2020)
Unit 2 Pipelines_0.docx
written work in Lecture 4
Unit 3Pump stations_0.docx
Unit 4. Compressor Station

PART 2 (for groups 2B91,2B92)

Unit 1_1 Staging,clearing, grading of Pipeline Components
U 1_2 Ditching. Bedding. Welding. Bending
Unit 1_3 Coating. Lowering. Backfilling. Hydrostatic testing
U 1_4 Spesial condition.docx
Unit 3 Pipeline integrity
Unit 3 LNG_0.docx
Unit 4 Submarine pipeline
Write essay “Oil and Gas Engineering: hydrocarbons transportation and storage. I am in this field of knowledge”
PART 1 for group 2B8B
Unit 1_0.docx
Unit 2 Pipelines.docx
Pump station
Unit 3. Compressor Station
Unit 5 Storage tank_на печать СОКРАЩЕН_0.docx
Unit 7. Pipeline System Component
Test 1_3 (choose any one variant)
U 4_6.docx
Practice 1
Guess the word for students.pptx
Text_How do companies maintain the integrity of their pipelines.docx
September, 8, 2021
U 1_4 Spesial condition_0.docx
Text_What is safety culture.docx
Practice 2 (September, 15 2021)
Text_Pipeline safety_The evolution of the smart pig.docx
Read the text and fill in the table
Task for September, 22, 2021
Practice 3.pptx
September, 29, 2021
Text_Preparing for incidents before they happen_for reading.docx
October, 13, 2021
Text_Methods used to detect product leaks.docx
October 27, 2021
Text_Mechanical Containment And Recovery of Oil Following A Spill.docx
<>October, 18, 2021
Presenting in english
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