Фёдоров Евгений Михайлович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

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22 декабря 2024 / Sunday / Неделя нечетная
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Course Description
The working program of discipline "Measurement of non-electrical values"
03.12.01 Direction "Instrument Making" Profile training 200100 "Methods and Equipment of Quality Control and Diagnostics" Bachelor Semester 7.8
The goal of teaching "Measurement of non-electrical quantities" The acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the design of transducers and sensors, their implementation and operation in various fields of engineering.
After studying the discipline a student must:
• know the physical effects underlying the transducers and sensors;
• know and be able to apply the technology development of meter transducers and sensors;
• know the characteristics of constructive solutions and circuit-tions used in the design of sensors;
• know the nature of the factors influencing the occurrence of errors in transducers, to be able to find ways to minimize them;
• know and be able to put into practice standard solutions in the design of the sensor interface circuits;
• be able to develop and apply metrology OJEC-baking sensors.
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