Полисадова Елена Федоровна
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Профессор

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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Optical Materials and Technologies

Bachelor program: 12.03.02 Optical engineering

Qualification of the graduate: Bachelor

Course: Optical Materials and Technologies

Annotation: The learning the principles of the luminous flux interaction with matter, the structure and properties of optical materials, the indicators of quality for optical materials, the basics of manufacturing optical components and coating technology.

Course consists of 5 modules:

1. Classification of optical materials. The processes of the interaction of luminous power with matter. Standardized indicators of quality of the optical materials . Basic physical-chemical, optical properties, performance characteristics of optical materials.

2. Structure and properties of crystalline and polycrystalline materials. Structural defects. Synthesis technique of crystals. Fluorescent materials.

3. The structure and properties of the glass. Classification of optical glasses. The composition of glass, the process engineering of glass melting. Laser glasses, glass with a special properties.

4. Technology of manufacturing optical components. Tolerances of precision manufacturing, the purity of the polished surfaces of optical components. Manufacture of optical parts billet. Processing technologies and abrasive materials. Technology gluing optical components.

5. The types of optical components coating. Fundamentals of physics of thin films. Technologies of coating.