Полисадова Елена Федоровна
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Профессор

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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Bachelor program: 12.03.02 Optical engineering

Qualification of the graduate: Bachelor

Course: Introduction to engineering activities

The objectives of the development of educational module "Introduction to engi-neering activities" are:

- Formation of basic knowledge and set of skills necessary for solving engineering problems in the field of "Optical equipment";

- To increase the motivation to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of vocational training according to the chosen direction / specialty. The objectives of the implementation of the educational module "Introduction to engineering activities" are:

-To form an idea of the engineering activities as a whole;

- To develop students' interest in the engineering profession, to encourage and motivate engaged in engineering activities;

- To introduce students to engineering practice through participation in the performance of the individual and / or group creative projects;

- To provide a basis for the development of professional and personal skills of the student, as described in the list of planned results CDIO learning.

- To assist the student in choosing the individual educational trajectory for a particular profile / specialization within the directions / specialty training.