Полисадова Елена Федоровна
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Профессор

Вн. телефон: 2684
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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Bachelor program: 12.04.02 Optical engineering

Qualification of the graduate: master

Course: Photonic technologies and materials

Annotation: The objectives of the discipline the study of basic physical and chemical processes that occur in various light sources and optical materials in the absorption and emission of radiation; development of non-traditional methods of spectral elemental analysis of materials with application of electronic and laser beams; measurement, processing and analysis of spectral and kinetic characteristics of the emission, the development of methods a time-resolved spectrometry.

Discipline is aimed at training undergraduates to:

1. The willingness of graduates to use the knowledge about the physical basis of the emission, absorption, luminescence methods of spectral analysis for solving scientific and engineering problems in industry and research.

2. The willingness of graduates to the selection of the optimal method of atomic emission and atomic absorption, fluorescent spectral analysis of any samples and samples to address specific technical issues to the assessment of the technical characteristics of the spectrometric equipment.

3. The willingness of graduates to make atomic-emission, atomic-absorption and fluorescent spectral analysis using the modern spectral analysis equipment.