Шахова Нина Борисовна
Кандидат химических наук

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22 января 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Saveliev G.G., Yurmasova T.А., Danilenko N.B
Galanov A.I., Sizov S.V., Lerner M.I., Tepper F., Kaledin L. Adsorpive capacity of nanosized aluminium oxide // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2004. – V. 307. – №1. – P. 102-107.

The adsorbed capacity of the oxide-hydroxide samples, obtained by water oxidation of nanosized electroblasting aluminum has been investigated. It has been shown that samples contain nanofibers AIO(OH), and non-fibrous phases of hydroxides and oxides. The specific surface area (400 M2/gr); surface part of both micro-and mesopores (about 90 %); pH of isotonic condition (7,7), which corresponds to the positive potential on the surface; volume capacity for H+ and OI+, which is the same for both ions (3,18 millimole/gr), which, in its turn, suits to the occurrence of the whole surface sample in the exchange process, have been measured. Isotherms of the adsorption have been obtained and adsorption dependence on pH for a number of substances containing As3+, As5+, Cr6+, Ni2+ has been determined. It has been shown that As3+adsorbs in the form of molecules in the corresponding acid, As5+ - H2As04\ chrome-chromate and biochromate - in the form of ions, nickel - Ni2+. The maximum capacity of anions was about 0,12 miliiequivalent/gr, and for Ni2+ - 0,24 mil-liequivalent/gr.

Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A., Yurmazova T.A., Galanov A.I., Balukhtin P.V. Composition and Formation Kinetics ofErosion Products of the Metallic Charge in an Electric-Discharge Reactor // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2005. – Vol. 78. – No. 9. – pp. 1438-1443.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A., Khaskel’berg M.B., Yurmazova T.A., Shamanskii V.V. Water Purification To RemoveAs(V) by Electropulse Treatment of an Active Metallic Charge // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2005. – Vol. 78. – No. 10. – pp. 1631-1635.
Danilenko N.B., Galanov A.I., Kornev Ya. I.
Danilenko N.B., Galanov A.I., Kornev Ya. I., Balukhtin P.V., Shiyan L.N., Yurmazova T.A., Yavorovskii N.A., Savel'ev G.G. The usage of pulse electric discharges in water solutions for nanomaterials production and their usage in water purification // Nanotechnica, 2006. -№ 4(8) -P. 81-90
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G. G., Yavorovskii N. A.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G. G., Yavorovskii N. A., Yurmazova T. A. Chemical Reactions in Treatment with Pulsed Electric Discharges of an Active Metallic Charge // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 80, No. 1, 2007, pp.87-92.
Yurmazova T.A., Zolnikova L.M., Danilenko N.B.
Yurmazova T.A., Zolnikova L.M., Danilenko N.B. Experience in attracting students to the research work // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii (Higher Education in Russia) – 2007. – №10. – P. 95-99.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A.
Danilenko N.B., Savel’ev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A., Yurmazova T.A. Chemical reactions in Electric Pulse Dispersion of iron in aqueous solutions // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2008. -Vol. 81 -№ 5 -р. 768-773
Shakhova N.B., Saveliev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A., Yurmazova T.A.
Shakhova N.B., Saveliev G.G., Yavorovskii N.A., Yurmazova T.A. Hydrolysis and exchange reactions at action of pulse electric discharges on interface metal - salt solution // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2009. - V. 314 -№ 3 -P. 45-49

Products of chemical reactions occurring at action of pulse electric discharges on interface iron - salt solutions containing Ni2+ and HSiO3- ions have been determined. It was shown that hydrolysis and exchange reactions locally initiated by heating and occurring without change of solute oxidation degree take part in product formation.

Kashkan G., Gorbenko M., Shakhova N.
Kashkan G., Gorbenko M., Shakhova N. Overcoming a language barrier by international students in technical university // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii (Higher Education in Russia), 2010. - № 8-9 -P. 117-121

This article presents the issues of developing professional competences of international students in technical university considering their limited command of Russian. There is a focus on an interdisciplinary communication while studying Russian as well as special technical university courses, and on ways to improve the quality of educational services during the period of study. On the basis of teaching experience of practicing professionals of Interdisciplinary Department of International Education and Language Communication Institute, the recommendations on providing studies for international students are given.

Saveliev G.G., Yurmasova T.А., Shakhova N.B
Saveliev G.G., Yurmasova T.А., Shakhova N.B As3+, As5+, Cr6+, Ni2+ ion sorption from water solutions on the surface of nanosized fibrous aluminium oxyhydroxide // Bulletin of Higher Schools. Chemistry and chemical technology 2011 - V. 53 - №. 3 - P. 36-39

Sorption isotherms of As3+, As5+, Cr6+, Ni2+ ions on the surface of nanosized fibrous aluminium oxyhydroxide were obtained, maximum adsorption capacity and adsorption constant were determined. It was shown that the change of solution pH and surface modification of nanosized fibrous aluminium oxyhydroxide leads to the increase of adsorption ability.

Kashkan G.V., Provalova N.V., Shakhova N.B.
Kashkan G.V., Provalova N.V., Shakhova N.B. The implementation of interdisciplinary links in the teaching of international students // Modern problems of science and education . – 2011. – № 6 URL: www.science-education.ru/100-5073

The approach to the implementation of interdisciplinary links in the teaching of natural science subjects in Russian as a foreign language was discussed in this articles. We identified the interdisciplinary links and their functioning in the teaching of "General Biology” for the international students of the Preparatory course. We showed that the interdisciplinary links exist not only between natural science disciplines and mathematics but also with humanities. Using systematic analysis we identified the types and nature of the interdisciplinary links. Arrangement of classes using interdisciplinary links was shown by the example of the themes study of "The chemical composition of eukaryotic cells" and "Protein biosynthesis". Thus the article deals with relevance of creating a comprehensive, integrated learning technologies led to a more general universal knowledge and skills which are based on the interdisciplinary links.

Shakhova N.B., Yurmazova T.A.
Shakhova N.B., Yurmazova T.A. The role of scientific research work of schoolchildren and students in education process // International Journal of Experimental Education - 2012 - №. 1 - P. 28. http://www.rae.ru/meo/?section=content&op=show_article&article_id=2540

The article deals with scientifi c research work of schoolchildren and students based on the integration of the education system itself, developing in its turn, the association of the education establishment «School- Institute». High motivation to do scientifi c research work is shown to be the base to get good results and show your intellectual ability. Effi ciency of scientifi c research work of schoolchildren and students at fi rst stage of education is confi rmed by high level of scientifi c conferences where students and schoolchildren who do scientifi c research work present their reports.

Yurmazova T.A., Shakhova N.B., Miroshnichenko Y.Y.
Yurmazova T.A., Shakhova N.B., Miroshnichenko Y.Y. Teaching-reserch competence - a factor in successful student's scientific research organization // Modern problems of science and education – 2012. – № 5; URL: www.science-education.ru/105-7125

In this article the authors reveal teacher’s research competence as an efficiency improvement factor in the student research work. Social changes within our society further the issue of teacher’s professional competence. Improving human resources requires definite changes in the teacher’s attitude and standpoint to education quality. Teacher’s research competence is considered as a starting point in the successful organization of the student research work. When a teacher sets a problem he or she not only provides theoretical information but also those research methods necessary in solving this or that problem. There are examples of successful student research integrated with general subjects. Special attention is paid to the application of the regional chemical education content component, as a chemical and ecological training factor.

Kashkan G., Shakhova N.
Kashkan G., Shakhova N. Educational technology development for students' successful self-study learning // Modern problems of science and education – 2012. – № 5; URL: www.science-education.ru/105-7125

This paper considers self-guided work of students as a main factor of an asynchronous organization in the academic activity. The motivation problems for students’ and teachers’ self- guided work organization are presented. This paper observes difficulties (motivational, communicative, cognitive and informative) that students have when doing self-study learning, besides, it discusses the ways of overcoming these difficulties. The ways of students’ self-guided work organization on the basis of teaching materials variability are proposed. An example of involving students in research work and participation in scientific events as a part of self-study learning organization at Institute of International Education and Language Communication of Tomsk Polytechnic University is given. As a result of such organization of self-guided work, cognitive activity and students' self-study learning is shown to increase, and a positive motivation is formed.

Guzarova N., Kashkan G., Shakhova N.
Guzarova N., Kashkan G., Shakhova N. Pre-master programs for foreign citizens // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii (Higher Education in Russia), 2013 - №. 2. - P. 84-89

This paper considers actuality, scientific and methodological principles of the Pre-Master program design for foreign citizens, as well as educational technology for its realization. According to the analysis of the experience realization of the Pre-Bachelor and Pre-Master programs for foreign citizens in foreign and Russian universities, the differences between these programs and the specific features of the Pre-Master programs are shown. The results of the initial monitoring of the Pre-Master program realization in Tomsk Polytechnic University are analyzed and proposals for its further development are presented.

Yurmazova T.A., Shakhova N.B.
Yurmazova T.A., Shakhova N.B. Model of physico-chemical processes in electric metal pulse dispersion in waterand aqueous salt solutions // Modern problems of science and education – 2013 №. 1. - P. 1-8. http://www.science-education.ru/107-8429

Chemical reactions in electric metal (Fe) pulse dispersion in the aqueous solutions of inorganic substance (НSiO3–, Ni2+, As3+ Н2AsO4–, Mn2+, Cr2O72–) were determined through IR spectroscopy, X-ray phase, chemical, kinetic, and thermodynamic analyses. Under such conditions, both reduction (As5+→ As3+, Cr6+→ Cr3+) and oxidation (As3+→ As5+, Mn2+ → Mn4+) reactions occur, as well as ,locally initiated by heating, hydrolysis and exchange reactions without changing the oxidation rate of the dissolved substance itself. Reduction and oxidation of dissolved substances is determined by the generation and activation of high dispersed Fe in an electric discharge. The model of physico-chemical processes in electric metal pulse dispersion in water and aqueous salt solutions is presented.

Yurmazova T.A., Shakhova N.B., Miroshnichenko Y.Y.
Yurmazova T.A., Miroshnichenko Y.Y., Shakhova N.B. Pilot results of a new textbook for students' professional competencies development // Modern problems of science and education 2014 - №. 2. - P. 1-8. - http://www.science-education.ru/116-12551

In this article the authors show the pilot results of a new textbook “Determination of chemical pollution in biosphere”. The textbook was worked out at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry for a new Degree programme “Safety in Technosphere”. The present article describes this textbook as a great help in motivating students for learning chemistry. Studying “Chemistry” students use this textbook to learn theoretical and practical foundations of some physico-chemical methods of analysis as well as to perform research projects. The advantage of such students’ work is that research work is carried out in real-life environment, and ecological condition of the objects concerned can be estimated and students have opportunity to get profound knowledge about future job. The article presents two research projects “Analysis of snow cover in Tomsk” and “Quality determination of spring water in Tomsk” carried out by using the procedure from the textbook.

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 69

  1. Спецглавы химии : учебное пособие / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет ; сост. Н. Б. Шахова, Г. В. Кашкан, Е. А. ПотураеваТомск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2024. — 1 файл (10,4 MB, 127 с.). — Режим доступа: из корпоративной сети ТПУ. — URL: https://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2024/m20.pdf

  2. Шахова, Н. Б. A possible way to improve the performance of electro aerodynamics aircrafts / Н. Б. Шахова, А. Ассаад // Современные проблемы машиностроения : сборник трудов XV Международной научно-технической конференции, г. Томск, 22-25 ноября 2022 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; ред. кол. Е. Н. Пашков [и др.]. — 2022. — [С. 16-17]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/74381

  3. Шахова, Н. Б. Химия. Базовые понятия Общей химии для предбакалавров. Часть 2 : электронный курс / Н. Б. Шахова, Г. В. Кашкан ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Школа базовой инженерной подготовки, Отделение естественных наукТомск : TPU Moodle, 2022. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL: https://design.lms.tpu.ru/course/view.php?id=4441

  4. Приёмы обучения концептуальной метафоре иностранных студентов медицинских вузов = Teaching techniques of conceptual metaphor to international students of medical universities / Н. В. Позднякова, Я. В. Королькова, Ю. А. Коноваленко [и др.] // Современные проблемы науки и образования. — 2022. — № 3. — [8 с.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.17513/spno.31837

  5. Шахова, Н. Б. Организационная поддержка научной инициативы иностранных исследователей как фактор формирования нового поколения молодых ученых = Organizational support of the scientific initiative of foreign researchers as a factor in the formation of a new generation of young scientists / Н. Б. Шахова, Е. А. Шерина // URL: https://iep.spbstu.ru/userfiles/files/pdf/INOSTRANNIE-STUDENTI-V-VUZAH-RF-STRATEGII-PRIVLECHENIYa%2C-PRIEMA-I-ADAPTATsII.pdf#page=68

  6. Шахова, Н. Б. Химия. Базовые понятия Общей химии для предбакалавров. Часть I : электронный курс / Н. Б. Шахова, Г. В. Кашкан ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Школа базовой инженерной подготовки, Отделение естественных наукТомск : TPU Moodle, 2020. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL: https://design.lms.tpu.ru/course/view.php?id=3587

  7. Кашкан, Г. В. Химия. Базовые понятия общей химии для предбакалавров (Туркменистан) : электронный курс / Г. В. Кашкан, Н. Б. Шахова, Ю. Ю. Мирошниченко ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Школа базовой инженерной подготовки, Отделение естественных наукТомск : TPU Moodle, 2019. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL: https://design.lms.tpu.ru/course/view.php?id=3342

  8. Кашкан, Г. В. Химия. Базовые понятия Общей химии для предбакалавров (для слушателей из Туркменистана) : электронный курс / Г. В. Кашкан, Н. Б. Шахова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Школа базовой инженерной подготовки, Отделение естественных наукТомск : TPU Moodle, 2019. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL: https://design.lms.tpu.ru/course/view.php?id=3588

  9. Овчаренко, А. М. Удаление ионов тяжелых металлов с помощью природных цеолитов / А. М. Овчаренко, Н. Б. Шахова ; науч. рук. Ю. Ю. Мирошниченко // Проблемы геологии и освоения недр : труды XXI Международного симпозиума имени академика М. А. Усова студентов и молодых ученых, посвященного 130-летию со дня рождения профессора М. И. Кучина, Томск, 3-7 апреля 2017 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ), Институт природных ресурсов (ИПР) ; под ред. А. С. Боева. — 2017. — Т. 2. — [С. 407-409]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/42140

  10. Кашкан, Г. В. Химия. Базовые понятия Общей химии для предбакалавров : электронный курс / Г. В. Кашкан, Н. Б. Шахова, Фам Кам Ньунг ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Институт международного образования и языковой коммуникации, Кафедра междисциплинарнаяТомск : TPU Moodle, 2017. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL: https://design.lms.tpu.ru/course/view.php?id=2133

  11. Yurmazova, T. A. Adsorption of inorganic ions from aqueous solutions using mineral sorbent - tripoli / T. A. Yurmazova, N. B. Shakhova, Tran Tuan Hoang // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2016. — Vol. 85 : Chemistry and Chemical Technology in XXI Century (CCT 2016). — [01017, 7 p.]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20168501017

  12. Адсорбция нефтепродуктов и неорганических ионов на минеральном сорбенте / Т. А. Юрмазова [и др.] // Известия Томского политехнического университета [Известия ТПУ]. Инжиниринг георесурсов / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ). — 2018. — Т. 329, № 5. — [С. 125-134]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/bitstream/11683/47780/1/bulletin_tpu-2018-v329-i5-14.pdf

  13. Наноразмерные продукты импульсной электроэрозии металлов в процессах очистки воды / Чан Туан Хоанг, Нгуен Туан Ань, Н. Б. Шахова ; науч. рук. Т. А. Юрмазова // Химия и химическая технология в XXI веке : материалы XVI Международной научно-практической конференции студентов и молодых ученых, посвященной 115-летию со дня рождения профессора Л. П. Кулёва, Томск, 25-29 мая 2015 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; Институт природных ресурсов (ИПР) ; Институт физики высоких технологий (ИФВТ) ; Физико-технический институт (ФТИ) ; Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований (РФФИ). — 2015. — Т. 2. — [С. 186-188]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/19559

  14. Pulsed Electric Discharge in Active Metallic Grains for Water Purification Processes / N. B. Danilenko, T. A. Yurmazova, Tran Tuan Hoang, Nguyen Tuan Anh // Procedia Chemistry. — 2015. — Vol. 15 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century (CCE 2015). — [P. 292-300]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proche.2015.10.047

  15. An Important Factor of Research University Development: the Role of a pre-Masters Program for International Students / N. I. Guzarova, G. V. Kashkan, Soon Lisa, N. B. Shakhova // URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/cplbu-2015-0011

  16. Мирошниченко, Ю. Ю. Новое пособие для проектно-группового обучения студентов 1 курса = The new textbook for project and team-based training of first the year students / Ю. Ю. Мирошниченко, Т. А. Юрмазова, Н. Б. Шахова // Уровневая подготовка специалистов: электронное обучение и открытые образовательные ресурсы : сборник трудов I Всероссийской научно-методической конференции, 20-21 марта 2014 г., Томск / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; ред. кол. А. И. Чучалин [и др.]. — 2014. — [С. 290-292]. — URL: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/25801

  17. Гузарова, Н. И. Анализ опыта зарубежных и отечественных университетов в осуществлении предмагистерской подготовки иностранных граждан / Н. И. Гузарова, Г. В. Кашкан, Н. Б. Шахова // Уровневая подготовка специалистов: государственные и международные стандарты инженерного образования : сборник трудов научно-методической конференции, 26-30 марта 2013 г., Томск / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; ред. кол. А. И. Чучалин [и др.]. — 2013. — [С. 303-306]. — URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/c/2013/C09/173.pdf

  18. Китайские, вьетнамские, монгольские образовательные мигранты в академической среде : коллективная монография / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; под ред. Е. Ю. КошелевойТомск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2013. — Режим доступа: из корпоративной сети ТПУ. — URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2015/m295.pdf

  19. Мирошниченко, Ю. Ю. Определение химических загрязнений в биосфере : учебное пособие / Ю. Ю. Мирошниченко, Т. А. Юрмазова, Н. Б. Шахова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ), Институт физики высоких технологий (ИФВТ), Кафедра общей и неорганической химии (ОНХ)Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2012. — Режим доступа: из корпоративной сети ТПУ. — URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2012/m418.pdf

  20. Мирошниченко, Ю. Ю. Определение химических загрязнений в биосфере : учебное пособие / Ю. Ю. Мирошниченко, Т. А. Юрмазова, Н. Б. Шахова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ)Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2012. — 91 с. : ил.

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