Уленеков Олег Николаевич
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Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Профессор

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1 High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Vibrational Dynamics of Dideuteromethane (CH2D2) (скачать) J. Phys. Chem. A., v.113.- p.2218–2231 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
2 On the determination of the intramolecular potential energy surface of polyatomic molecules: Hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde as an illustration (скачать) J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.88–100 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy, O.V. Gromova, A.L. Fomchenko
3 High resolution study of the 3v1 band of SO2 (скачать) J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.111–121 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, V.-M. Horneman, S. Alanko, O.V. Gromova
4 On the high resolution spectroscopy and intramolecular potential function of SO2 (скачать) J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.257.- p.137–156 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Alanko, V.-M. Horneman, O.V. Gromova, C. Leroy
5 On the local mode behaviour of the XH2/XD2 and XD/XH fragments with respect to the deuterated species of the near local mode XH3(C3v) molecule (скачать) Mol. Phys. v.107, №14 p.1409–1416 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy
6 High resolution study of the v5 + v12 band of C2H4 (скачать) Mol. Phys. v.108, №5 p.637–647 (2010) G.A. Onopenko, E.S.Bekhtereva, T.M. Petrova, A.M. Solodov, A.A. Solodov
7 High resolution infrared spectroscopy and global vibrational analysis for the CH3D and CHD3 isotopomers of methane (скачать) Mol. Phys. v.108, №7-9 p.1209–1240 (2010) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
8 On the "Expanded local mode" approach applied to the methane molecule (скачать) J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.264.- p.61–65 (2010) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy, A.L. Fomchenko
9 Analysis of highly excited "hot" bands in the SO2 molecule: ν2 + 3ν3 - ν2 and 2ν1 + ν2 + ν3 - ν2 (скачать) Mol. Phys. v.108, №10 p.1209–1240 (2010) E.S.Bekhtereva, O.V. Gromova, S. Alanko, V.-M. Horneman, C. Leroy
10 On the "expanded local mode" approach applied to the methane molecule: isotopic substitution CH2D2 ←CH4 (скачать) Mol. Phys. v.109, №17-18 p.2111–2130 (2011) A.L. Fomchenko, E.S.Bekhtereva, O.V. Gromova, C. Leroy
11 High resolution study of the v1+2v2-v2 and 2v2+v3-v2 "hot" bands and ro-vibrational re-analysis of the v1+v2/v2+v3/3v2 polyad of the 32SO2 molecule (скачать) JQSRT, v.112, p.486–512 (2011) O.V. Gromova, E.S.Bekhtereva, I.B. Bolotova, C. Leroy, V.-M. Horneman, S. Alanko
12 High Resolution Analysis of the SO2 Spectra in the Region of 2600 - 2900 cm-1: 2v3, v2+2v3-v2, and 2v1+v2 Bands (скачать) JQSRT, v.113, p.500–517 (2012) O.V. Gromova, E.S.Bekhtereva, I.B. Bolotova, I. A. Konov, V.-M. Horneman, C. Leroy
13 On the Improvement of the Rotational Structure of 13CH3D Ground Vibrational State (скачать) Molec. Phys., v.111, p.2228 - 2232 (2013) E. S. Bekhtereva, M. R. Konova, Yu. V. Krivchikova, V.-M. Horneman
14 High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of C2H4: Re-Analysis of the Ground and v4, v7, v10, and v12 Vibrational Bands (скачать) JQSRT, v.118, p.14 - 25 (2013) O. V. Gromova, Yu. S. Aslapovskaya, V.-M. Horneman
15 Re-Analysis of the (100), (001), and (020) Rotational Structure of SO2 on the Basis of High Resolution FTIR Spectra (скачать) JQSRT, v.130, p. 220 - 232 (2013). G. A. Onopenko, O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, V.-M. Horneman
16 High Resolution Study of MGeH4(M = 76,74) in the Dyad Region (скачать) JQSRT, v.144, p.11 - 26 (2014). O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, N. I. Raspopova, P. G. Sennikov, M. A. Koshelev, I. A. Velmuzhova, A. P, Velmuzhov, A. D. Bulanov
17 On the "expanded local mode" approach applied to the methane molecule: isotopic substitutions CH3D ←CH4 and CHD3 ←CH4 (скачать) Molec. Phys., v.112, №19, p.2529–2556 (2014) E. S. Bekhtereva, A.L. Fomchenko, A.G. Litvinovskaya, C. Leroy, M. Quack
18 Survey of the high resolution infrared spectrum of methane (12CH4 and 13CH4): Partial vibrational assignment extended towards 12 000 cm-1 (скачать) J. Chem. Phys., v.141(2014) E. S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. M. Niederer, M. Quack
19 High Resolution Analysis of the (111) Vibrational State of SO2 (скачать) JQSRT, v.144, p. 1 - 10 (2014). O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, A. S. Belova, S. Bauerecker, C. Maul, C. Sydow, V.-M. Horneman
20 High resolution FTIR study of the ν710-ν10 and ν1012-ν10 "hot" bands of C2H4 (скачать) JQSRT, v.149, p. 318 - 333 (2014). O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, G.A.Onopenko, Yu.S.Aslapovskaya, K.-H.Gericke, S.Bauerecker, V.-M.Horneman
21 High resolutionro-vibrationalanalysisofinteractingbands ν4, ν7, ν10, and ν12 of 13C2H4 (скачать) JQSRT, v.151, p. 224 - 238 (2015). O. V. Gromova, E. S. Bekhtereva, C.Maul, S.Bauerecker, M.G. Gabona, T.L.Tan