Young Scientists Conference: Kassel and Tomsk workshop "Understanding of Entrepreneurship as essential part of University study and research - Current situation and perspectives"

Tomsk Polytechnic University

Conference Programme

Kassel and Tomsk - Understanding of Entrepreneurship as essential part of University study and research - Current situation and perspectives, April 19-20, 2015

 Language:   English

April 19

Tour around Tomsk

April 20

9.00 -9.30


9.30 – 13.00

 Morning session

Entrepreneurship – Initiatives at Universities in Germany

Jörg Froharth, Start up Manager, University of Kassel

From idea to implementation – Support of founders at the University of Kassel

Annika Wallbach, Inkubator-Manager, University of Kassel

German-Russian TechTransfer Opportunities

Nicole Burghardt, Project Coordinator, University of Kassel

Publishing in international journals: insights into North American practices

Jonathan Linton, Editor-in-Chief, Technovation: the Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management

Science and Entrepreneurship in Russia and in the world: Practice Examples / Initiatives Entrepreneurship at TPU. Presentation of “Best Practice Examples” of TPU and partner institutions / initiatives)

12.00 -13.30

Visit of laboratories and start-up companies

14.30 – 16.30

Afternoon session

Young scientists’ presentations:

Session 1. Science and Entrepreneurship in Russia and in the World: Practice Examples /Initiatives Support of Founders/Government Support

Young Scientists’ Research and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Perspectives

Session 2. Young scientists’ promising research

16.30 -17.00

Brainstorming and Discussion

Perspectives of cooperation in the field “entrepreneurship” between Kassel and Tomsk .

Proposals for German-Russian cooperation – „Startup Competition - ICT international“

Nicole Burghardt, University of Kassel

17.00 -18.00

Free Discussion. Making a Resolution