Замятина Оксана Михайловна
Кандидат технических наук

Лаборатория "Новое инженерное образование", Заведующий лабораторией
Отделение информационных технологий, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-61-27
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Research Interests

Methods and tools for modeling and analysis of business processes.

Electronic document management systems: algorithms and methods of implementation and integration with other applications.

Information systems of class MRPII, ERP.

Active methods in education and innovations in education.


1. The head of Research Activities of Federal Education Agency internal scientific program «Development of scientific potential in higher education» topic: «Design and analysis of enterprise control models and algorithms on Axapta 3.0 platform» in 2005-2006.

2. Contest winner «Laureate of Tomsk area in the sphere of culture, health and education» in 2007.

3. National contest winner «Engineer of the year» in 2007.

4. Potanin contest winner among the novice university teachers of Siberian Federal District in 2005.

5. Scientific secretary of International scientific and practical conference of graduate students and novice scientists «Young generation and modern IT technologies» in 2007-2009 (2 RFFI grant were won for conference arrangement, this conference was twice accredited by program U.M.N.I.K.).

6. Scientific title of associate professor was awarded in 2010 г.

7. There are scientific publications: more then 55 scientific articles and 18 academic publications.

8. Summer and winter mobility programs for students coordinator (2010 г. - date).