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06 февраля 2025 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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Was born in 1947 in Dalian (China). In 1965 has finished school of №6 (Semipalatinsk). In 1970 has finished physical department of the Tomsk state university (TSU). A speciality - theoretical physics. In 1970 has gone to work in laboratory of theoretical physics of the Siberian physicotechnical institute. I work in Тomsk polytechnic university (TPU) since 1998. The assistant professor of chair of Higher mathematics. The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences since 1982. A speciality - a solid states physics . The assistant professor since 1988. At various times, I read lectures and conducted practical employment on various disciplines of theoretical physics (quantum mechanics, theoretical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, mechanics of continuous environments, the quantum theory of solid stares, electrodynamics, etc.) in TSU and in TSPU.
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