Валуев Денис Викторович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение промышленных технологий, Ассистент
Отделение промышленных технологий, Доцент

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Denis Viktorovich Valuev was born in 1980. In 1997 he was enrolled on a full-time course “Metallurgy of ferrous metals” at Tomsk Polytechnic University affiliate in the town of Yurga. In 2003 Denis V. Valuev defended his graduation thesis with distinction. By the decision of State Attestation Commission from June 24, 2003 he was awarded the qualification “Engineer” majoring in “Metallurgy of ferrous metals” and obtained a diploma with honors.

After graduation Denis V. Valuev entered a full-time postgraduate course “Metal science and thermal treatment of metals” at Tomsk Polytechnic University. Since September 1, 2003 he has been working at TPU affiliate in the town of Yurga. Being a faculty member of the Department of Ferrous Metals Metallurgy he has worked his way from assistant lecturer to associate professor and has 12 years of both lecturing and research experience. Since 2012 he also has been in the faculty of the Department of Basic Safety, Ecology and Physical Training as a part-time associate professor.

In December 2008 he defended his PhD thesis in Engineering, majoring in Metal science (mechanical engineering). The subject of his research work was as follows “Metal analysis of technological reasons for structure and phase inhomogeneity of forged low-carbon steel half products and its elimination measures”.

In June 18, 2012 he was given an academic title of associate professor of the Department of Ferrous Metals Metallurgy, DZ №045998. In 2008 he succeeded in his work and won the 9th Russian Competition “Engineer of the year – 2008” according to “Engineering art of the youth” in the category “Ferrous Metallurgy”.

He was also a prize-winner in Tomsk Polytechnic University faculty competition for awarding the titles “Professor of the Year”, “Associate Professor of the Year”, “Lecturer of the Year” in 2008 and was given a title “Lecturer of the Year”. By order № 2330 of Rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University from April 21, 2009 he was entered in the Honor Gallery of TPU as a faculty member with outstanding professional and social achievements.

He supervises research work of students. The students annually take part in international and Russian conferences and competitions; publish their papers in proceedings of conferences.

Over the period of his research career Denis V. Valuev has taken part in an International Forum, research and academic and research conferences. He is an author and co-author of 126 papers, among them 35 articles in journals listed by State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles of Russian Federation, as well 19 papers in abstract databases SCOPUS and Web of Science, 5 monographs. He also has 12 study guides, including 6 publications classified by the Board of Educational Methodological Association in the field of metallurgy as textbooks for students of higher educational institutions trained in the specialty “Metallurgy of ferrous metals”.

The sphere of his research interests includes material science, metal science and thermal treatment of steel and alloys, technology of waste recovering and recycling.

Further training

He is engaged in work of methodological seminars held by the Department and takes part in research conferences of the Institute. In 2009 he completed the further training course «Development of test materials», in 2011 he improved his competences in the field “Development of educational programs based on Federal State Educational Standard of the 3d generation”.

Academic courses – Out of furnace and ladle processes; Casting and crystallization of steels and alloys; Thermal treatment of metals and alloys; Fundamentals of crystallography and mineralogy; Recycling technologies of metallurgical wastes; Protection measures and means of environment against energy deposition; Technologies of recovering and recycling of wastes.